Should Police From Muslim Countries Patrol Western Cities? – IOTW Report

Should Police From Muslim Countries Patrol Western Cities?

Clarion Project: In an unusual move, the French police force has agreed to four Moroccan officers patrolling in Paris in a bid to tackle problematic migrant youngsters. Authorities hope the use of officers from a Muslim background will help reduce issues on the streets of the French capital. But that leaves the question should police from Muslim countries patrol Western cities? more

16 Comments on Should Police From Muslim Countries Patrol Western Cities?

  1. This “Colonizing From Behind” is a weird thing. Usually, a colonizer takes territory and enforces its own law there. The colonists come next. Here, the colonists came first, and now they are bringing in the enforcers of their law.

    So, no.

  2. Ahhh, Paris, the city of lights, from hundreds of burning Peugeots.
    Just wait until those muzzie cops start arresting the Frogs enjoying their overpriced fermented grape juice swill.
    Sorry Lucky Pierre, you got this all on your own this time.
    Lose our number, please.

  3. Hello France, when you wake up and realize that you have lost your country to the muzzies call Germany cause we ain’t coming again. Oh wait, there is no Germany anymore. Looks like ya’ll are up caca creek.
    Now who ya gonna call, Muzziebusters?

  4. Yo! Frogs! Ever heard of “compound interest?”

    Nawwwwww … as socialists, ya prolly haven’t … but you’re gonna get a good education real quick. None of ya Frogs will survive to learn anything, but you’re gonna get taught, anyhow.

    izlamo delenda est …

  5. remember that muzzie cop that shot and killed the lady that called the police for a problem-(sorry old, don’t remember names) he walked away-don’t think he got charged with murder. Keep them all out of the USA–they swore an oath to their moon god-kill the non believers where ever you find them. I can live with the mex’s coming in but not muslim’s.


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