Sledding by BFH – IOTW Report

Sledding by BFH

I said at the time there were more to come –

Many sites have fund drives (with the “target goal” and the big thermometer tracking the progress) to keep the site up and running. We’ve never done one of those. Some of you who know what we are always up against say that we should try it. I’m not comfortable with that.

I do have the gift button on the sidebar, and people utilize it from time to time, and we have the wonderful people who have made their gift a monthly one. They are the lifeblood of the site.

It’s the end of the year and it’s been a rough one.

I painted this this weekend. I guess it’s true about artists, that they often paint when struggling a bit. I didn’t set out to paint anything in particular. It painted itself.

This is called Sledding.

It’s 11×14, acrylic, on canvas.

If it interests anyone out there, you can make an offer. If it interests more than one of you, well, I will close comments tonight at 11:59pm et. Highest offer will win this painting and be helping us out.

Full disclosure. I painted others. More to come. I’ve been contemplative of late.

(Anyone waiting on a commission, please remind me in the comments. I am ready.)

30 Comments on Sledding by BFH

  1. It’s a great looking painting.

    But c’mon. Become a monthly sponsor of this great website. I have been for a few years. I need to up my ante, as well.

    If you’re just a lurker or a commenter, do the right thing. This site is the last stand for 1st amendment freedom of expression. How else would you get to read my stupid comments? LOL.

    Get it the fuck done, right now. Maybe then we can lose the cat biting videos.

  2. My silly recommendation for this holiday season? Set up a continuing contribution to IOTW and go to the walmart and pay for a layaway gift to be released for a needy child.
    Do you need anything for yourself? Likely not.

    This year is a year of giving. We do not need to receive this year
    Or even better, I suspect there is an IOTW family that needs attention and has special needs this year?

    Whisper that into the ear of BFH and MJA. We’re an army out here.
    Stuff can happen.

  3. You know J6, I would happily give to anyone in crisis that is a member of this community than all of the traditional and professional fundraisers that do the usual fundrasisers that rise up during the holiday season.

  4. “What an idyllic memory of youth!”

    It would have to be a city street with a decent incline to trigger that for me. Sounds sad, but we had our fun. It snowed a lot. We played in it all the time, like building a miniature neighborhood in the court yard with streets and small one-car garages with 4 inch square snow doors.

    Let’s just say some snow garages for toy cars were broken into and toy car theft occurred. Harumph!

    In the Summer, the city would open a hydrant at the lowest corner and everyone had a great time.

    I was amazed my parents were supportive of it, I couldn’t do jack like that at any other time.

  5. @ΜΟΛΩΝ ΛΑΒΕ, But that’s my name!! LOL! It’s a wonderful name to go with a Wonderful Life!! Thanks!

    BFH, great painting. Love how at peace it makes you feel!

    God Bless us all!


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