So much wrong with this smug Jerkface’s analogy about Covid and STDs – IOTW Report

So much wrong with this smug Jerkface’s analogy about Covid and STDs

The left is lauding this asshole as if he made a mic drop statement. It’s idiotic.

BFH of· Look at this dope with his unwarranted smug. Let me say to this jerkface- Yes, I would have sex with that person wearing a condom. But I wouldn’t if the condom worked like the jab!!! What a moron.


BFH of·This guy is an asscloth. His ANALogy is ridiculous. If you get an STD you NEED antibiotics to eradicate it from you. You DO NOT need anything to recover from COVID!!!!!!! Prior to the jab, 98% of the people recovered with THEIR NATURAL IMMUNITY. This nerd is a moron.

20 Comments on So much wrong with this smug Jerkface’s analogy about Covid and STDs

  1. First, his analogy is stupid. Would I have unprotected sex with someone who has an STD? I wouldn’t even knowingly have sex with someone who has an STD. I’m not sure how old this video is, but the latest news flash is that having the so-called vaccine doesn’t keep you from getting Covid. It may help you avoid getting really sick, but you can still catch it (the omnicron variant apparently is hitting the vaccinated pretty hard) AND pass it on to someone else. Imagine if the vaccines for polio, smallpox, measles, etc., worked like the Covid vaccines.

  2. That sweater vest wearing douche bag reminds me of relatives in my life. I can’t stand these people! One, they present a position that can be easily refuted, two, they cut you off before you can state your position. Worms.

  3. I’ll tell you what motherfucker, I’ll take my chances with the coof naturally, and you go ahead and get triple vaxxed and still contract it from another triple vaxxed sheep.

    As far as having sex with someone I knew had an STD – hell no I wouldn’t have sex with that person – and it ends right there – I stopped the transmission naturally by not having sex. What’s your point?

  4. Fine. Get vaxxed five times plus all 87 boosters and we’ll talk in a year or two about how protected you are…or we’ll visit your grave. Shut your mouth & open your ears, shithead.

  5. I’m a little confused, happens all the time lately.
    Hey Thom, do AIDS and HIV now.
    You wouldn’t have sex with someone with AIDS/HIV?
    How about if they didn’t have to tell you and it was legal to not tell you?
    Penicillin won’t clear that up.
    Thread that needle, sir.
    Assholes spreading hysteria about Covid were doing the same about AIDS, a “pandemic” that never materialized.

  6. He is an example of some idiots I was reading on FB.
    Their argument we unjabbed, unmasked are killing Grandma. Their argument is an old lady who lives alone in town, has only left her house 3 times in almost 2 years, all three times were to get her jabs, she’s only seeing her doctor virtually. Her daughter took her to get her jabs at a drive thru jab where they look like they’re at a chemical spill.

    Her groceries, medicine, even her mail is delivered by her jabbed, masked, gloved daughter on her front porch that has been sprayed with lysol or wiped down with lysol wipes. This is according to neighbors who have watched it.
    She is now in the hospital supposedly dying from covid and the idiots are arguing it’s the fault of the unjabbed and unmasked. No matter how many people point out it’s impossible for anyone to have given her covid, they insist it’s the unjabbed and unmasked.

    So either she’s dying from the jab, dying from the jab giving her covid or is dying from lack of human contact.

  7. OTD
    DECEMBER 20, 2021 AT 12:17 AM

    “Assholes spreading hysteria about Covid were doing the same about AIDS, a “pandemic” that never materialized.”


    I was a frontline medic with a muni EMS at the time, and I heard and saw all this SAME hysteria BEFORE about AIDS.

    It came from a guy named Fauchi.


    …also, it was from the AIDS hysteria that HIPAA laws grew.

    To protect people’s medical privacy and prevent governments and businesses from discriminating against them over their medical status and medical decisions.

    …you know, the same law they are IGNORING now, with EXACTLY the results that law was intended to PREVENT…

  8. Old Racist White Woman
    DECEMBER 20, 2021 AT 7:17 AM

    “So either she’s dying from the jab, dying from the jab giving her covid or is dying from lack of human contact”

    …or dying from the fact that her immune system failed due to overpritection, lack of contact with normal pathogens we ALL are exposed to ALL THE TIME to keep it sensitized and robust, overuse of antibacterials that ALSO make her immune system go to sleep, and generally trying to make a human live in a sterile environment that human immune systems were NOT designed to live in.

    Congratulations, medical alarmists.

    You’ve given her Boy In A Bubble syndrome, her and thousands LIKE her.

    Now a common cold can kill her.

    …just like you planned…

  9. The left found a new way to divide people and sow hate over shit that don’t matter. So, they’re all sporting power boners over it. They desperately need a punch in the face, all of them.

  10. I think he’s a fruiter, a pansy, a limp-wrister. Im’a guessing he loves sweaters and when he goes out, he drapes one over his back and ties the arms up in front of him. A most silly look for a man, but OK for a liberal wussie.

    I have sweaters obtained as gifts but I don’t wear them. They make me sweat.

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