Somebody Tell Me “Hammer” And “Scorecard” Are A Fiction – IOTW Report

Somebody Tell Me “Hammer” And “Scorecard” Are A Fiction

Better yet produce the source that discredits the existence of what is purported to be a highly sophisticated computer and software program that can electronically change the vote tallies as they are being transmitted from polling placed to the tabulation centers.

I make this request after watching Michael Flynn’s lawyer, Sidney Powell openly accuse the Biden campaign of using “Hammer” and “Scorecard” to attack the election results in key battle ground states (her assertion starts at the 38 second mark). Watch

Intrigued by Powell’s allegation I did a quick search to find out more and found what seems to be specifics on the intention of the Biden campaign to steal the election posted 10/31/20. Here

23 Comments on Somebody Tell Me “Hammer” And “Scorecard” Are A Fiction

  1. History shows us that President Trump knows things and if his lawyer is talking about Hammer and Scorecard it probably means something. Wait and see if fake news takes the bait.

  2. The next argument will be that Trump stole the election. We will never hear about how the Dems got caught cheating in the first place.
    Then what, back to the 25th amendment argument?

  3. Biden has a history of lose lips. Saying things he ought not to have said. Such as bragging about squeezing the Ukrainians to fire the investigator that was close to charging Hunter.

    Is this the most extensive vote fraud system Joe publicly bragged about him and Obama creating?

    With a bit of luck, Joe’s lose lips will sink Joe’s own ship. In time to save Trump’s second term. . .

  4. Thanks for all the links above.

    The more we learn, the more it becomes clear that the situation in our country is worse than anyone here thought.

    I almost puked after reading

  5. General, I viewed PJ’s link first, actually. Perhaps you’re way more aware of the depravity than I, but over the months and years since Obama, the deeper I read, the worse it gets. Just when I think I have a handle on the crimes, I learn something new and am freshly appalled.

    I’m not saying the situation isn’t retrievable – and could finally be the climax of 20 years of Federal wrongdoing. In fact, I rather think this one IS their ultimate mistake that results in the complete unwinding of linked crimes and high treason by the highest officials in the land. So, um, yeah. I agree with you! 🙂

    (It was the revelation about Hunter and the Chinese on page that did it this time. I had no idea.)

  6. PJ – was it me? I don’t remember now, I’ve been to soooo many websites the last few days that things are starting to blur. My bookmarks folders are getting l o n g.

    But thanks – and I always enjoy your comments!

  7. I am leery of having my hopes dashed again after being burned to often before due to falling for things that seem to good to be true, but that I wanted to much to be true.

    But dagnabbit. I would dearly like to see what Dr Charlie Ward said in the video on the treadreaderapp link. Come true.

    Be effective, leading to arrest, and convictions of the vote manipulating election stealers. Resulting in the reelection of PDJT to fully serve his second term. And find that trusting Dr Charlie Ward is not just falling for wishful thinking, again.

  8. If you make an accusation, you have to be able to prove it.

    Sometimes conspiracy stuff can be proven, or at least has supporting evidence that can be examined, but that is the exception rather than the rule.

    So I wait for the verifiable evidence to be presented for examination.

  9. General McInerney said HAMMER is real and it was used against Bernie to make sure Biden won the primary.
    Some districts in MI are saying the voting machine company performed updates the day before the election.
    Too many things add up to make it fake.
    I do think Trump was winning by such a big margin that they stopped the counting so they could bring in the “found” ballots.

  10. Hundreds of Democrats involved in various Coup attempts plus one Impeachment have been discovered and have been given harsh Prison sentences. We can expect that many more will go down for this massive crime against Americans and Freedom. Biden will take the baton from Trump and continue investigating and prosecuting Democrat Communists until the Republic is saved….so, the absurdity of this statement is obvious because to date, only Republicans have been ensnared and convicted ie Stone and Flynn…No need for guns, this civil war will be handled by your almost elected officials and the Media…and, while we will thereby have a bloodless Coup, over time, history proves to us that Conservatives will suffer misery and death..Sorry to be so negative but Trump and his family are in great danger and if he loses the Electoral College, he will be flogged publicly along with his family as a lesson while 24/7 propaganda keeps us silent.Democratic Power is close to being Absolute.

  11. @Blink
    Just want to remind you that you that on November 6, 2020 you thought I was overly optimistic when I said you will find out that this was a sting set up by the Trump administration to catch the Dems in election fraud. I also said Trump will be our next President. I am an optimistic person but, I’m no Pollyanna! I knew what I was talking about. There is more to come and some of it will be quite astounding.
    I also think Feinstein’s husband is connected to Dominion.
    The left wants us to worry and be afraid, don’t fall for their trap.
    Cheer up, all is going well. Another bit of info is that Dems voted heavily for Trump!


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