Someone thinks Breitbart should hate Trump as much as they do – IOTW Report

Someone thinks Breitbart should hate Trump as much as they do

They went to the trouble to make this.

ht/ Jason Chisel


10 Comments on Someone thinks Breitbart should hate Trump as much as they do

  1. They went to a lot of trouble for nothing. Breitbart seems to be playing it pretty straight to me. If it is really Trump bashing that they want, all they have to do is go to Townhall Media (, Red State, Twitchy, et al.) or most of the Fox News talking heads.

    That’s one of the main reasons I like Trump for the time being. He really does seem to get the GOPe’s knickers in a twist.

  2. I like breitbart but the commenters there are so dumb and obnoxious. You have Trump supporters on there calling Ted Cruz an amnesty proponent and accusing him of colluding with the left. This from the people whose candidate gave Hitlery a million bucks so she’d come to his wedding…

  3. I will vote for anyone who loves America and wants to get back to the ideals we were founded on. Be it Trump, Cruz, Carson, whoever…..

    Sometimes God uses arrogant blowhards to further His will, regardless of how egotistical they may be……

    I’m not a Trump supporter. I’m not a Cruz supporter. I’m not pushing for anyone. I just want my country back.

    I’m sick of –

    Etc…… ……

    I feel like they are winning and, after reading a lot of the Psalms, I’m praying for God’s enemies, the enemies of all that is good and moral and decent and just, to fail. I want the Jesus of the New Testament to use some Old Testament tactics……..

    Sorry for the rant……………….

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