Sometimes a Rain Jacket is Just a Rain Jacket – IOTW Report

Sometimes a Rain Jacket is Just a Rain Jacket

The MSM has gotten itself all lathered up over the choice of jacket made by the first lady yesterday. She was photographed with wearing a simple $39 rain coat with a simple message spelled out in large letters on the back. The press and those seeking any means to attack Melania Trump immediately leapt to the worse possible conclusion, ignoring all context.

I’ll provide the missing detail that, when understood,should put the umbrage to rest. She was wearing a rain coat. Imagine you’re walking down the street with a person and it starts to rain. How would you react if that person said “I really don’t care, do you?” You’d understand that she was referring to the rain drops and telling you that she isn’t going to let a little wet weather ruin her day and perhaps you should ignore the rain as well.

Maybe next time the first lady travels she should wear a jacket with a great big middle finger clearly etched on the back stating “CNN” under the universal send off for jack asses.


15 Comments on Sometimes a Rain Jacket is Just a Rain Jacket

  1. The media is always beside themselves, frothing at the mouth, over analyzing every little thing like some psycho obsessed stalker… it’s gross.

  2. The naive MSM is such a sucker. I always enjoy playing with naive people, it must be great to have the chance to sucker in such a easy group that falls for the slightest trap. They always seem to take the whole line and sinker and end up gagging on it, then turn around and fall for the next one the very next day. And its never just one individual, they get caught in large numbers.

  3. The growing bad behavior of left has similar actions of the sick in TWENTY-EIGHT DAYS. Red eyes, spittle, jerky movements, incoherent mutterings and growling, and attack anything without provocation.

  4. Good for Melania, none of us should walk around on eggshells worrying about what some demented soul is going to think, there will always be some loony leftist getting offended about something somewhere.

    Just watch your back though, they are violent extremists

  5. We should have Polos, Tees, and sweat shirts with “I don’t really care, do you?” on them. I’m in for at least two of each. I think they’d sell like
    1/4 pounders! Hot cakes are old school. Melania will make a fortune on this.

  6. I really don’t care about the true meaning behind the raincoat. I just love watching the Obama sperm burping media going bat shit crazy over it. If she didn’t care about the kids, she wouldn’t have shown up there in the first place ya dumb shit for brains.

  7. Like slopping the pigs. Just don’t get in the way when they’re running to the trough. And for god’s sake don’t fall down in front of them. They’ll always go after something if they think they can make a meal out of it.


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