South Korea Made the Right Call Staying in Intelligence Sharing Agreement With Japan – IOTW Report

South Korea Made the Right Call Staying in Intelligence Sharing Agreement With Japan

Daily Signal-

For a while, it looked as though South Korea might abandon a critical military information sharing agreement with Japan. Its last-minute decision to remain in the agreement is welcome news.

Established in 2016, the General Security of Military Information Agreement enables both South Korea and Japan to share military intelligence in partnership with the United States. Both countries benefit immensely, as both face a common threat in nearby North Korea.

In addition to staying in the agreement, South Korea ended its complaint against Japan at the World Trade Organization. Seoul had held that Tokyo’s recent restrictions on exports to South Korea were politically motivated and not compliant with international trade law. Seoul dropped the complaint on Friday.

Both actions will generate domestic criticism of South Korean President Moon Jae-in, since they run against strong anti-Japanese sentiment in the country. Both actions will also likely be seen as resulting from U.S. pressure. more here

5 Comments on South Korea Made the Right Call Staying in Intelligence Sharing Agreement With Japan

  1. @Political News Message Board
    They don’t feel any of that. They “ARE” royalty, self appointed royalty. And as they figure out how to make more money off all the serfs and peasants, that work for a living. They sit around and laugh at how stupid their voters must be, for believing the shit they shovel. Hanging out at Epstein’s house doing coke and screwing under age girls for fun. They are the original millennials, the world owes them, and laws do not apply.

  2. Politicians who sell out their people. And their “people’s” country. For some international Federal Reserve bucks. Oooh. I feel Notorious RBG level woozy.

    (Well, at least it wasn’t on Drumpf’s watch.)

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