Spain tells Mexico ‘hell, no!’ following AMLO’s demand for an apology for colonial conquest – IOTW Report

Spain tells Mexico ‘hell, no!’ following AMLO’s demand for an apology for colonial conquest

American Thinker: Not wanting a confrontation with the U.S. over the border surge, Mexico’s socialist president Andrés Manuel López-Obrador decided to pick a fight with socialist-run Spain instead, calling on its king to “apologize” for the nation’s 500-year-old conquest of Mexico.  What could be easier?  Leftists love to apologize for the supposed misdeeds of forbears, as President Obama demonstrated repeatedly.  Spain would be an easy mark for one of these, AMLO calculated.

Much to AMLO’s surprise, he got a wet mop in the face from Spain, from its socialist foreign minister, no less.  Foreign minister Josep Borrell said Spain would refuse to apologize for the 500-year-old conquest and reminded Mexico that they’d settled these matters many years before.  It was an unexpectedly strong sign that the era of Big Apology is now over.

El País reports Spain’s hard-ass letter of official response:

In a release, the Spanish government said that it “firmly rejects” the arguments contained in the letter, which was sent to the monarch via the Spanish Foreign Affairs Ministry.

“We emphatically reject its contents,” said the Spanish government in a statement after EL PAÍS reported on the letter, which is dated March 1.

“The arrival of Spaniards 500 years ago to present-day Mexican territory cannot be judged in light of contemporary considerations.  Our brother nations have always known how to read our common past without anger and with a constructive perspective,” said the Spanish government in its statement.

Notice that Spain pretty much clarified that this isn’t the first time this has come up, and the letter suggested that the Spaniards are getting tired of this.

The socialist foreign minister, whose party is feeling heat from Spain’s conservatives as election time approaches, came up with some pretty good context to justify that response:  MORE

11 Comments on Spain tells Mexico ‘hell, no!’ following AMLO’s demand for an apology for colonial conquest

  1. Didn’t change much. Before the conquistadores, the local Maya and Aztecs were murdering themselves and each other with bows and arrows and spears at a great rate, and cutting their enemies’ living hearts out with stone knives. Today, they’re murdering themselves at a great rate with rifles, and cutting their enemies’ living heads off with machetes and chain saws.

  2. IIRC, someone mentioned how this migrant crisis was going to explode under AMLO.

    He is an old commie POS elected under the promise of gimme gimme and hands off the gangs.

  3. @Claudia: ” Now if we could get the “reparation” industry to shut up, too! America has paid enough for slavery. No more.”

    I’ve had some thoughts on the reparations thing, and I’m coming around with a possible proposal:
    Give them peurto rico and total independence from the US. And call it done.
    If nobody else has a better idea, then “I’m the Boss!”

  4. ‘ Today, they’re murdering themselves at a great rate with rifles, and cutting their enemies’ living heads off with machetes and chain saws.’
    What’s taking so long for this lazy bastards!
    An Apology!
    Ask Indigo Montoya about that one,,
    He’ll set you straight about what to do,,,

  5. Western civilization had its issues; but without it, how many of the conquered would be alive? How many would live as well as dirt poor “indians” today? Nil. Nil.

  6. Reparations?

    Quit fornicating with the buffalo. Quit shitting in the potable water — that makes it kinda un-potable. There’s this shit called quinine. There’s this other shit called penicillin. There’s this other thing called quit being a perfidious cadre of greasy gutless maggots.


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