Speaking Too Much “Conservatese” – IOTW Report

Speaking Too Much “Conservatese”

Do we have a problem communicating principles to young adults? Mike Sabo claims that conservatives tend to rely too much on their own code words that don’t translate well to the uninitiated. It’s the way the younger generations tends to favor libertarian arguments.


I can tell you why Conservatives and Libertarians are natural allies against the left. While Conservatives oppose all collectivist / big government objectives, both Conservatives and Libertarians oppose the left’s totalitarian means of implementing their agenda on everyone.

12 Comments on Speaking Too Much “Conservatese”

  1. @Am I Right? — D’Souza’s “Hillary’s America” and several of his recent books thoroughly debunk the idea that conservatives or the Republican party are the racists. Listen to any of his recent talks at universities on YT. Splendid.

  2. Unless a (young) person is taught to think critically using principles of logic and reason it is useless to try to explain political and economic theory to them. An in a hierarchy of “what’s worse” racism is not as bad as murder, assault, stealing, and lying.

  3. @Dr. Tar – Alas, I’m talking about most of those who call themselves conservatives.

    I’ll give you an example that may well make you angry: the military establishment of the U.S. is a collectivist institution. Whether it is a good and necessary institution is a separate conversation, but it is, to an honest thinker, clearly collectivist in nature. Moreover, Eisenhower’s military/industrial complex is inarguably a big govt affair. Now, show me one, only one, conservative who would agree that our national defense needs to be fundamentally changed from the way it operates and is supplied today, and I’ll grovel on the floor and beg forgiveness.

  4. The New High School Generation (I Have a 15 Yr Old Daughter) Doesn’t Seem To Be Very Impressed With Liberalism, They Are Fairly inline With Straight Forward Common Sense ! My Daughter Thinks Antifa Are Messed Up People Without a Clue… She’s Right !

  5. The fact that those who cast themselves as conservatives cannot effectively state their case and explain it effectively drives me nuts. They hit the talking points…limited government..individualism…meritocracy…constitutionalism for the true believers without explanation to outsiders or unbelievers. Explain. The difference between limited government and Unlimited government and why the framers insisted on a government that was limited and why they believed that free thinking individuals were to reign supreme over government’s innate tendency to dictate.

    But politicians hit check boxes without giving much thought to what is contained in those boxes.

    Explain conservatism and make people understand that if they go to work every day, provide for a family, live a basically upright life and wish for a better life for their kids, the framers got it right and their ideals are timeless.

    Just explain it to those who’ve never heard it before. Understand it yourself first. Read some Jefferson, Tocqueville, Madison.

    Do you want a world ruled by masked monsters in black beating up you and your neighbors or a group of clear thinking individuals from Montana, Wyoming, Florida, (most of) Virginia, Nevada

    It’s as simple as that.

    Send Antifa to bed without supper. Send conservative to study hall until they can clearly explain what conservatism is and how it’s superior.

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