Sports Illustrated’s Swimsuit Spread – IOTW Report

Sports Illustrated’s Swimsuit Spread

Among Sports Illustrated’s rookie models for the swim suit edition this year is Kate Wasley. At 5’11 and 245 lbs, she’ll be hard to miss laying around the beaches in a bikini. More

50 Comments on Sports Illustrated’s Swimsuit Spread

  1. I don’t think a model with a few pounds extra on her is a travesty. But the few pounds extra have to be in proportion, firm not flabby, and the boobs should not be loose and swinging around. Sorry, I would say the same for an average weight or a skinny girl. Also, I noticed SI is being offered at 50 cents an issue. LOL.

  2. The Libs have managed now to ruin everything, including cheesecake soft porn magazines.

    Telling women that looking like that is somehow “empowering” them is a damned lie. Being fat isn’t healthy, and it sure as shit limits the dating and employment options they will enjoy, whether that’s “fair” or not.

    There’s a whole generation of so-called “empowered” women out there who are dateless, childless, unloved, pissed off, and completely miserable, and they haven’t yet figured out the feminist Utopia and the dead-end female reality they’ve been sold is a total sham.

  3. At 245 pounds she’s literally twice the model as those “normal” girls.

    She looks like she’s never tried 5 minutes of exercise in her short life.

    The Left destroys everything it touches.

  4. If swimsuit models don’t have to be thin, next thing you know, artists won’t have to be able to draw, singers won’t have to sing, and lawmakers won’t have to follow the law. Oh, wait… nevermind.

  5. I’m 6′ 220 and I could use to lose 20 or 30 lbs. She’s an inch shorter and 25 lbs. heavier and the people who decide such things think she’s perfectly fine. Anybody find the image of me parading around in a speedo attractive? Of course not, the decency police would want me to wear a t-shirt and Bermuda’s at a very minimum to the beach.

    She’s obese, and how is anyone empowered by image of an obese person wallowing around in a swim suit that shows way too much girth? Only those more attracted to social commentary than to the opposite sex think this is acceptable.


    Fat women are considered healthy.
    Gay lifestyle is not dangerous.
    Black destructive behavior gets approval.
    Muslim misanthropes are no different that you and me.
    Child murder is a “right.”
    Oppression is freedom.

    They are NO FRIENDS OF HUMANITY. They have the guts to fight tooth and nail against their opponents, but no fire to condemn what is truly in the worst interests of humanity.

    Satanism in motion.

  7. She looks great in the one piece. I would ask them why they wrapped the strings that skinny girls can wear around her instead of putting suits that are fit for her shape on her. Like that on piece.
    Maybe they are so inexperienced with women who have normal bodies, they didn’t know what they were doing.

    For those of you making disparaging comments about her, let’s see you in a swim suit.
    I’ve yet to go to a resort where more than one or two people have pictur perfect beach bodies.

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