DNC Barely Solvent – IOTW Report

DNC Barely Solvent

As the nation enters the Mid-terms this year, the Democrats will be running at a financial disadvantage as the latest FEC filings show the DNC is about $200,000 from being broke. This will severely handicap their effort to take back Congress on their “blue wave.”  More

20 Comments on DNC Barely Solvent

  1. We should all, each one of us, individually send the DNC a paper check for $1.00. I’d guess their overhead for handling such donations would be somewhere between $10 and $20. Think of it as part of your entertainment budget!

  2. But we are the ones with the huge pool of rich donors. Our inexhaustible well of resource. And why shouldn’t the party be run on the same business model that we would run the nation on?

  3. I’m sure the would-be tyrants of Wall Street, Big Pharma, the Defense Industry, the Beltway Bandits, the “Legal” Profession, Academia, and the maggots of the Media will be sending money by the bushel – not to mention what the race-hustling poverty-pimps can extort out of their slaves.
    Oh – we shouldn’t leave out the Globaloney-ists from all around the globe – starting with Soros and including Putin, Li, Kim, the Ortega Bros., the Castro Clan, the Ayatollahs, and every other petty tyrant and tin-pot dictator who wants plunder from the American taxpayers.

    Don’t think I’ll be shedding any tears over the financial plight of Inter-National Socialism.

    izlamo delenda est …

  4. It’s one of the unsung victories of the 2016 Prez election: that the Dowager Empress spent an enormous amount of $$$ in an attempt at the White House and lost. And that many Daddy Warbucks types wasted lots of $$ to her election, expecting something in return for their donations. Now the DNC has NOTHING to sell to them.

  5. Nice to know both Hillary and the treasonous gay Kenyan commie blew into wealthy liberal cities for fundraisers, left with tens of millions each. And only gave a few dollars to fellow commies running for offices in the cities they just plundered. Maybe Hillary and Obammie the commie should cough up some of their ill gotten gains?

  6. Without the threat of taking back control of government they are going to have a hard time extorting campaign donations from legitimate businesses.

    The Unions are a pale shadow of their former glory and depending on what SCOTUS rules, they may lose their ability to just funnel dues to candidates in the future.

  7. There’s more to this story. Dem candidates are funded directly by PACs (you know, those things they fought against) so they get millions from SEIU, teachers unions, AFLCIO, Planned Parenthood and other left wing organizations.

    They donate directly to the candidate so they own them.

    These sources have $800 million to give to Dem candidates in 2018. Of course, many have to go through primaries where a lot of the money will be spent.

    I hope that the furthest left leaning candidate is the one that emerges.

    Trump – and David Bratt before him – showed us message is more important than money.

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