Stanford Prison Hoax – IOTW Report

Stanford Prison Hoax

In 1971 Stanford psychologist professor, Philip Zimbardo, hired students to participate in a prison experiment. Famously, the student guards became more abusive as the student prisoners became more rebellious and the whole thing was ended early after six days.

Later interviews with participants suggest the “experiment” was more social justice improv theater and less compelling psychological study of  human behavior. The fact that no one has been able to recreate the findings of the experiment hasn’t helped. More

8 Comments on Stanford Prison Hoax

  1. SJWs always lie!
    I first heard allegations this was fabricated a couple of years ago.
    Also that experiment with the potentially fatal electric shocks was also mostly fabricated.
    It seems that it’s actually very hard to get White middle class average Americans to become Nazis, no matter what the ADL and the left might tell you.
    In fact, White middle class America just might be the greatest moral force for good this planet has ever experienced.

  2. This article is useful. I try to remind myself from time to time that most people who become psychologists and psychiatrists get into their fields because they know that they are really screwed up in the head and want to learn more, especially about how to get away with sociopathic behavior without being punished for it.

  3. Notice how the guy who faked it tried to destroy the new paper exposing the lie.

    Makes me think of Micheal Mann’s reactions to people who try to reproduce his math and they ask him for the raw numbers.

  4. From Anon:”It seems that it’s actually very hard to get White middle class average Americans to become Nazis, no matter what the ADL and the left might tell you.”

    Sounds like you’ve never lived under HOA covenants, nor in a municipal district governed by a Historical Society.

    These (usually white, conservative, middle to late age) people will tighten your ass up over the smallest infractions they can write.

    They get off on the authority they wield. Seen this MANY times. So your premise of it being difficult to get regular people to abuse power falls flat with me.

  5. I used to police a community that had both subdivisions/condos with HOAs and a “historical district”. I can assure you most of the people in there (at least the ones with the power complexes) were NOT conservatives.

  6. I believe there are many experiments done in academia that can never duplicate natural conditions. Drawing conclusions from them is tricky and they mostly should be taken with a grain of salt.

    Scientists say that is the only way to isolate and control factors, but the very nature of doing that creates abnormal conditions.

  7. In the Stanford experiment, the subjects were not representative of any prison population, so how could anyone accept its findings?

    It’s academia that is screwed up and it a big reason why we have such a messed-up culture.

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