Starbucks baristas strike in three U.S. cities during pre-Christmas rush – IOTW Report

Starbucks baristas strike in three U.S. cities during pre-Christmas rush

Oh no! Now people will have to make good coffee at home.


Starbucks baristas in some locations are planning to strike through Christmas Eve, starting with cafes in Los Angeles, Chicago and Seattle on Friday.

The strikes will escalate each day, covering new markets, as Starbucks Workers United pushes for better pay for baristas. Starbucks is “backtracking on our promised path forward,” the union said in a post on X announcing the strikes.

The stoppage could mean longer waits for holiday drinks and popular Starbucks merchandise in the days leading up to Christmas, when many Americans will be off work and school or buying last-minute gifts. more

34 Comments on Starbucks baristas strike in three U.S. cities during pre-Christmas rush

  1. I make good coffee at home, but if I really want the Starbux experience I’ll just pour myself a cup, shout out my name incorrectly, light a five dollar bill on fire and scrape the ashes into the cup!

  2. Striking in LA for higher wages??!! Isn’t minimum wage there something like $18/hr? For making coffee?? AYFKM? Starbucks jobs, just like fast food jobs were never meant to be a career, the used to be starter jobs for high school kids to get experience for their future. Then liberals started importing millions of illegal immigrants, who took all the entry level jobs. Then the bleeding hearts started whining about how hard it was to support a family on minimum wage. And so it began.

  3. I have only been to Starbucks twice in the past 22 years. I read once that the company hates Conservatives, so why should I give them my money. Anyway, here in Canada, there is Tim Horton’s Donuts. Mind you, I only go 4 times a year, after my bloodwork tests every 3 months (I do the tests to renew my prescriptions).

  4. Harry
    Saturday, 21 December 2024, 10:09 at 10:09 am
    “I make good coffee at home, but if I really want the Starbux experience I’ll just pour myself a cup, shout out my name incorrectly, light a five dollar bill on fire and scrape the ashes into the cup!”

  5. When I lived in Atlanta a Starbucks had the employees go on strike. It was shut down for remodeling for over a year. All employees were part time except management. The managers were moved to different stores.

    IMO: Starbucks coffee tastes like burnt beans. If I buy coffee it is going to be Duncan or Waffle House but I prefer it from my kitchen.

  6. In March, 2015, as part of the Leftist narrative about how blacks across the country were being indiscriminately gunned down by white racist cops, activist CEO Howard Shutlz created (probably on the back of an embossed cocktail napkin as he sat in his owner’s suite at Key Arena — now dubbed “Climate Pledge” arena — where he watched his Seattle Sonics play) a cool new virtue signal campaign for his company.

    For a week, later that March, he directed the company’s baristas to write “Race Together” on customers’ cups. He wanted to nudge them into a “conversation on race”, apparently with his young, 20-something, know-nothing employees. It angered a lot of customers and was considered to be a big PR flop, but Shultz doubled down by telling the press that this was just the beginning. For many it was the end of their addiction to a daily ritual involving over-priced coffee drinks.

  7. Yesterday I pulled in to get my daily dose of caffeine at my dealer’s kiosk, which is a mere quarter mile away from an always-busy Starbucks drive through. My place makes really good coffee and what’s more I am greeted by the same 3-4 people over the course of a week, and I’ve been going there for years, so it’s never been an impersonal transaction. We talk about our days, share photos from our phones (pets, projects, family), and generally boost each other’s morale. If they see my car in the line, I’m met with my “uszh” at the window.

    When I pulled in yesterday, there was a huge line at the opposite window of the kiosk. I was lucky and had a only a one car wait on my side. They were unusually busy for that time of the morning and the barista informed me of Starbuck’s protests taking place down the street. We rolled our eyes at the same time. I told her to take care and to not take any guff off of any Karenesque SBux customers. As I drove for home, sure enough, there were about a dozen Starbucks youngsters shouting and jumping around with placards in front of their store. I saluted them with my 24 ounce as I drove by.

  8. Was it a middle finger salute? My younger liberal brother who lives on Vashon Island in Puget Sound hates Starbucks because Howard Schultz because he sold and moved the Seattle Supersonics to Oklahoma City after he said he wouldn’t sell the Sonics. He also hates Wally world.

  9. I’m a coffee snob. It goes along with being a machinist. C affine, Beans, and Nicotine are the three basic food groups for machinists. Star Bucks does have a couple decent grinds. Pikes Roast and their House Blend are tolerable. Those two I believe were their two first originals.
    Ironic that they’re striking in L.A. Thanks to Newsom they’re already making $21.00 an hour. WTF?

  10. I like Starbuck’s coffee on the dark roast end of the spectrum after being weened on midwestern “tea” where Folger’s was held in high regard. USAF coffee and college coffee being on the dirty water end of the spectrum.

    My complaint on Starbuck’s is they only seem to have decent datk roast sometimes, and the current crop of gender-condused-blue-hair attendants don’t even offer a pour-over without prompting.

    Other coffee sheds, of which there are thousands in western Washington, rarely develop the depth of flavor of dark roast drip coffee.

    So, yeah, I get most of my coffee made at my kitchen counter.

  11. Sippin’ Covfefe

    Same with the dark roasts. I rarely purchase a cup of coffee any where. I make it at home or work. Besides, there’s a 30 something blonde WOMAN barista at our local Star Bucks that I’m pretty sure has the hots for mt extremely used Swizzle Stick. Kind of scary actually.

  12. TonyR 10:37am
    I came here to say the same.
    I could never see the sense of working fast food entry level, bus boy, etc, as an adult and expecting to raise a family on that kind of income.
    One is supposed to move on, get an education/training/certification/etc, and move up in the world.

  13. My funniest coffee story, ever:

    A couple of springs ago I had to have my car’s A/C checked and recharged. The closest garage to do this is up on that famous northern stretch of Seattle’s Aurora Avenue (aka Old 99), just a few blocks south of where all the hookers display their wares to the passing contractors making their ways between Home Depot and Lowes.

    It was a cold mid-morning and I didn’t spy a coffee maker at the garage, so I asked the mechanic if there was anywhere nearby to get a cup. He pointed to the very loudly-painted kiosk just to the right of their own parking lot with a huge sign on it that stated “COFFEE”. That I had to drive right past it in order to park isn’t the funny part.

    So, I walked across the small parking lot to the kiosk, noticing that the parking lot side of the place had a huge picture window, but it didn’t look like one ordered coffee at that window. But, I figured that because I was a walk-up, maybe they did take/give orders at that big window, so I continued to walk up to it. The window was long enough so that one could see well into the interior of the place, but it was dark enough inside that you needed to be right up on it in order to actually see anything. I walked up to the window and was completely shocked and disgusted to see the literal rear view of a woman “dressed” in a thong bikini, bending over as she was giving a drink to the customer on her side of the kiosk.

    I’d heard about these coffee drive-throughs, but I had no idea this was one of them! Before she should see me standing there, I turned on my heels and went back to the garage. I know for a fact that mechanic watched me the whole time because he could barely contain his jacka$$ grin. Something tells me he hides the coffee maker from customers in order to play out that joke over and over again.

  14. LOL. Here’s where I get virtually face slapped. Hey why not? I’ve met AA in person. She’s a gorgeous woman and a terrible business person. She should have made a deal with the butt kiosk for 50% 0f the profits and dawned the attire. She’d be filthy rich. Geoff’s a lucky man. LOL.

  15. Hey Brad, this is kind of funny. About 35 years ago my bull riding buddy was out visiting. This was before Starbucks was as big as it got. Anyway, had my first Latte maybe a month before that and it was sort of like hot I offered to buy him one. I swear he nearly wrestled me to ground until I said I’d buy him a cup of black coffee. That’s the last time I ever bought anyone a latte, except my wife of course.

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