Stars – IOTW Report


You spoke a word and life began
Told oceans where to start and where to end
You set in motion time and space
But still You come and You call to me by name
Still You come and You call to me by name

If You can hold the stars in place
You can hold my heart the same
Whenever I fall away
Whenever I start to break
So here I am, lifting up my heart
To the One who holds the stars

The deepest depths, the darkest nights
Can’t separate, can’t keep me from Your sight
I get so lost, forget my way
But still You love and You don’t forget my name

If You can hold the stars in place
You can hold my heart the same
Whenever I fall away
Whenever I start to break
So here I am, lifting up my heart
If You can calm the raging sea
You can calm the storm in me
You’re never too far away
You never show up too late
So here I am, lifting up my heart
To the One who holds the stars

Your love has called my name
What do I have to fear?
What do I have to fear?
Your love has called my name
What do I have to fear?
What do I have to fear?

If You can hold the stars in place
You can hold my heart the same
Whenever I fall away
Whenever I start to break
So here I am, lifting up my heart
(Lifting up my heart)
If You can calm the raging sea
You can calm the storm in me
You’re never too far away
You never show up too late
So here I am, lifting up my heart
To the One who holds the stars

You’re the One who holds the stars

19 Comments on Stars

  1. I was listening to Charles Stanley this morning as he went painstakingly through the Bible’s (God’s) promises and how God does not change. Something he said about God’s faithfulness in this regard was that God makes unconditional (“I will never leave you for forsake you..”) and conditional (“If my people…) promises.

    Here’s one promise that has received a lot of attention in recent years; you all know this scripture:

    2 Chronicles 7:14 New International Version (NIV) 14 if my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and I will forgive their sin and will heal their land.

    I would greatly encourage my brothers and sisters to examine their relationship with God today, repent and recommit to living a Godly life so that we can all fulfill the condition of God’s promise. I know I’ve grown fairly lax in the wake of what is happening and let fly with an amazing number of comments that show the condition of my heart. The excuse I made to myself was that I *deserved* to be so angry that I could say anything and that God would understand. I know it may seem like a small thing to swear — and maybe it is — but I don’t want to take any chances as I’m doing my part to go before God with my prayers and petitions. So, I apologize for the use of curse words here and for being a stumbling block to others, as the case may be. This is my acknowledgement and repentence; I am not judging anyone else, so don’t take it that way, okay?

    I find God’s Word to be a real comfort. He makes easy to follow instructions. Nothing complicated about obedience.

  2. Just think, someone in this universe knows our hearts better than anyone. It’s always wonderful when we have at least one other person on the planet who understands us, but that almost never happens to the extent to which we yearn to be known. And then there’s The Lord, who knows everything about us.

  3. @AbigailAdams–I was the reader on Sunday and I read Genesis 1:1-5. Today, I started a new Bible study (online)and she started with Genesis and God’s promise. So here I am at IOTW and hear it sung and then see your post. He is speaking to me very loudly.

  4. AbigailAdams–It is called Bible History Overview (she calls it looking at the Bible from 30,000 feet). The link is I have done several Bible Studies (one was 4 years long) but this one is different. She puts up a session on Wednesday (yesterday was the first day of the course) and it stays up until the following Tuesday night. There is no charge and she sends out the download for the handouts each week. She is in Tennessee. I like having another way of studying.
    Ephesians 1:16 to all here at IOTW

  5. Thank you, Corky! I’m gonna look into this. I’ve been in BSF and Community Bible Study for a total of 9 years, but they’re not meeting now because of Jay Inslee’s tyranny.

  6. One of the most humbling experiences that I ever had was sitting up on the bow of USS Kitty Hawk CV 63 during our Westpac cruise in 1974 when I was 21 and watching the stars late at night (I worked night check when out at sea in both the Pacific and Indian oceans) and seeing as much of the Milky Way and the Universe as I could possibly see clear down to the horizon 360 degrees all around me. It showed me how big God is and how much he cares for me and all of us in his ginormous creation. If God is that big how and cares that much for me how can I be scared or afraid of anything.

  7. Lovely song – very powerful.
    Yet, The True and Living God should by identified and credited in worship.

    God CREATED the heavens and the Earth. His stars are held in place by His Glory.

    Genesis 1:1-13+ (The Holy Bible)

    “…14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:
    15 And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so.
    16 And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also.
    17 And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth,
    18 And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good.
    19 And the evening and the morning were the fourth day…”


    BTW, One of the greatest worship songs ever about God as Creator; .


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