Statue of Lincoln Has a Meltdown – IOTW Report

Statue of Lincoln Has a Meltdown


He kept a cool head during the American Civil War, but a heatwave proved too much for his statue. A wax effigy of President Abraham Lincoln has melted as temperatures soared over the weekend in the nation’s capital.

The head went first, then one of his legs dripped off its torso and a foot turned into a blob. The chair sank into the ground.

The head from the 6ft wax sculpture of the Lincoln Memorial is now under repair, leaving behind a wire sticking out of the 16th president’s neck. More

13 Comments on Statue of Lincoln Has a Meltdown

  1. Tyranny;
    Abe jailed political opposition and Shut down the media at the time.
    And here we are Biden doing the same Lies and ignoring the Bill of Rights, 1st, 2nd, 4th, 6th, 8th and 14th amendments.
    Everything Biden accused Trump of doing if he were elected in the questionable 2020 election, Biden has done in spades, surpassing his allegations against Trump.
    Aba and Biden share their traitorous Presidencies

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