Study: Electric cars may be worse for the environment than gas-powered – IOTW Report

Study: Electric cars may be worse for the environment than gas-powered

electric car hello kitty


Electric cars are worse for the environment per mile than comparable gasoline-powered cars, according to a new study published by the National Bureau of Economic Research. This contradicts the common assumption that electric cars are cleaner. In spite of this, the federal government still pays $7,500 for every electric car purchased — a subsidy the nation would be better off without, say the authors.



17 Comments on Study: Electric cars may be worse for the environment than gas-powered

  1. I brought one home as a test for the day, as a joke on my wife. She got a kick out of it, we all laughed, and she made her own funny and said she wanted something that went 0 to 200 in 2 seconds. I brought her back a bathroom scale.

  2. ” Electric cars are worse for the environment per mile than comparable gasoline-powered cars, according to a new study…”

    No, indeed. This has been proven FACT for some years now. From the refining of the rare metals in the batteries to the excessive shipping emissions of the component parts this has been well documented long before today.

    For anybody that actually bothered to check.

    Then again, what are the Kardashians up to today?

  3. Not only making the cars, it takes more resources to power the car. Power has to be generated and transmitted from a power station as compared with converting gas to power from an on board engine.

    Of course, hippies don’t think…

  4. While knowing Smart cars are not electric, I have a question:

    Am I the only one that has to resist the urge to tip over Smart cars?

    It’s not like anyone needs help to do it.

  5. I’ll accept your claim and say I stand corrected on any Smart cars being electric/or not. Yet, I don’t care enough to verify.

    No, I’m not lazy. I really don’t care. Better things to do, like wondering if my dog dreams in color. I just want to carry one upstairs and leave it on a roof one day.

    No help needed, but why leave your friends out? Things good memories are made of…

  6. I’ve been saying this for years. Energy is lost in conversion and transmission, usually as waste heat. Energy from fossil fuels, especially diesel, converted directly into mechanical energy inside an internal combustion engine is more efficient than burning that same energy to generate electricity, converting it to power line voltages, reconverting it to local line voltages, and converting again into household voltages where it is again converted into something that can charge the batteries, not to mention overcoming resistance every inch of the way.
    Screw electric, I want THORIUM fueled cars!

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