Swimmer Disappears Under the Water Feet from the Finish Line at a CrossFit Games Event – IOTW Report

Swimmer Disappears Under the Water Feet from the Finish Line at a CrossFit Games Event

An athlete has drowned while competing in a CrossFit Games event, with the devastating death playing out a short paddle from the finish line in front of cameras, cheering fans and clueless officials. more

7 Comments on Swimmer Disappears Under the Water Feet from the Finish Line at a CrossFit Games Event

  1. Horrible. Shouldn’t have happened. A competent lifeguard chief and crew should’ve been in the water right-damned-there within a few seconds of Dukic’s disappearance. Inexcusable failure.

    I wonder if Dukic was “vaccinated”?

  2. I am sick and tired of “rescuers” who are unable to do their damn jobs.

    Its like they only became lifeguards for the fashions.

    Not everyone can rescue, and not everyone should, and thats fine as long as you live your limitations and dont take a rescue slot from someone more capable. Dont take the job if you have no intention of doing it.

    I can understand how this can happen to the swimmer. A cramp, an aspiration of water, or simple fatigue from. overexertion will do it. I damn near died the first time I saw the Atlantic Ocean and leapt in like an idiot, and only the mercy of a doubtlessly exasperated God saved me. It well and truly sucks when youre in deep water and your muscles turn to rubber, I can tell you.

    May the Lord comfort his family in their loss.

    And may the Lord deal with those who failed him so they are never in that position again.

  3. Al

    I read earlier that all lifeguards were focused on the finish line. Way to go idiots, you just got someone killed. Is it just me or can no one do their damn jobs anymore?

  4. Al, I see it daily in our vendor base. It was getting bad before COVID, after COVID just killed it. We just had some cut aluminum plate arrive 22 days late. From a very large vendor. Hard to meet delivery dates when you can’t get raw material in a timely fashion. Bottom line is if our country ever went to war the manufacturers would lose the war for us.


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