2016 – Page 2 – IOTW Report

Memorial Day Trivia & Facts

Sunday, 29 May 2016, 23:30 MJA 3

AMAC: Memorial day is a great way to remember our patriotic heroes who sacrificed their lives to help us breathe the air of freedom. This day is observed with families [Read More]

Mitt 2016?

Thursday, 1 October 2015, 10:15 MJA 23

Ann Romney Won’t Rule Completely Rule Out A Mitt 2016  YC: There is no doubt about it.  Mitt still has the presidential itch.

Biden/Patrick 2016?

Friday, 25 September 2015, 15:45 MJA 8

American Thinker: While this report from the author Ed Klein, via the Boston Herald, may or may not be true, it makes an awful lot of sense from Barack Obama’s [Read More]


Thursday, 17 September 2015, 10:15 Cardigan 22

Five impressions from Fiorina’s debut at CNN’s food fight. AmericanSpectator- Our readers probably watched the CNN debate Wednesday night and therefore do not need this writer to tell them what [Read More]

Dear CNN

Tuesday, 15 September 2015, 23:59 Cardigan 9

Please get rid of Rand, Chris, Carly, Mike, and Marco. NewsMachete– First, I want to let you know I am one of your biggest fans. You produce quality programming, which [Read More]

Make room for one more

Monday, 7 September 2015, 13:06 Cardigan 12

Harvard prof to launch long-shot 2016 bid CNN- “WE DID IT!!! ($1M in < 4 wks) Thank you all for your support. Now, let’s go #fixdemocracyfirst #getmoneyout” Lessig tweeted Sunday [Read More]

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