President Trump – IOTW Report

I Love My President!

Tuesday, 14 April 2020, 13:15 Claudia 23

For all the calls from the left and RINOs for President Trump to stay off Twitter, here is a Tweet from him that is the BEST reason for him to [Read More]

Andrew Cuomo Keeps Digging

Thursday, 16 August 2018, 17:45 Dr. Tar 14

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo yesterday informed a friendly crowd that America “has never been great.” He then tried to explain his statement by declaring that the nation would never achieve greatness [Read More]

Colin Kaepernick vs Kanye West

Saturday, 5 May 2018, 16:00 Claudia 13

Breitbart – President Trump Wants Colin Kaepernick and Kanye West for Race Summit President Trump has reportedly agreed to invite NFL anthem-protesting quarterback Colin Kaepernick and hip-hop star Kanye West, [Read More]

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