Tainted Gov – IOTW Report

Tainted Gov

Washington Free Beacon: The Boston Globe reported on Saturday evening that the Thornton Law Firm gave partners bonus checks that mirrored their political contributions, a potential violation of federal law. The top two recipients, New Hampshire Democrat Maggie Hassan and Wisconsin Democrat Russ Feingold, pledged to return nearly $100,000 in contributions after the GOP  criticized the “tainted donations.”


Many other Democrats running in some of the nation’s most critical Senate races who have cashed campaign checks from the firm have yet to return the donations.



8 Comments on Tainted Gov

  1. It’s a fucking swamp-only in government can scumbags like Harry Reid make a couple hundred thousand a year and retire as a multimillionaire. And all the while, blatantly lying without repercussions.

  2. Like Gowdy said in the videos, Harry is a POLITICAL HACK, nothing more. Take him out and beat him to stupid, again. Then tell the dumbfucker the other band on his rubberband exerciser broke.

  3. An old time cop (true story, he told it to me) had a part time business sucking the contents out of septic tanks. On one occasion he had a septic tank opened up and the air wafting past his nostrils was particularly foul.

    Between dry heaves he looked at his assistant and said, “Ya know what I mean?”

    I feel the same way when I read about the democrats.

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