TDS Victims See Hillary’s Face Wherever They Go – IOTW Report

TDS Victims See Hillary’s Face Wherever They Go

CFP: Was Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS) coaxed along in a petri dish in one of our waco universities that also develop human ‘snowflakes’?

The pandemic outbreak of TDS came on PDQ (Pretty Damn Quick)

Progressives who call themselves Democrats want you to think that TDS was born screaming and wailing at the Big Women’s’ Day March the very next day after the iJan. 20, 2017 inauguration of President Donald Trump.  You know the one where they wore pink vagina hats before taking to the streets, turning the air blue with F-bombs and frightening their own children to express their hysterical rage that über feminist Hillary Clinton lost the election to a blankety-blank “Misogynist MAN”.

The petri dish had to have been gurgling and bubbling a long time to bring one million women out onto the streets, wearing enough pink knitted caps to make it an overnight symbol of resistance.

It was only in the wee hours of November 9 —that most of the MSM and social media held an unprecedented televised SOB FEST when they had no choice but to admit that not Hillary but dreaded Donald was president.

So why is it that it is only on August 3, some 18 months later that mental health therapists are reporting an “acute rise” in Americans “suffering” from Trump Anxiety Disorder (TAD)/TDS?

“Mental Health therapists have reported an acute rise in Americans suffering from “Trump Anxiety Disorder” – primarily diagnosed in those who fear that President Donald Trump is leading the world into oblivion through his politically incorrect policies and unapologetic temperament. (OneNewsNow, August 3, 2018)

“More and more patients are showing up for psychiatric help because they cannot deal with life under a Trump administration.”

It’s time for Judge Judy to tell TAD/TDS colonies :“GET OVER IT”.  more

10 Comments on TDS Victims See Hillary’s Face Wherever They Go

  1. This: “…..his politically incorrect policies and unapologetic temperament.” is what I like about our President!

    “Speaking the truth in times of universal deceit is a revolutionary act.” Geo. Orwell

  2. Good news!
    Make sure they get on a list so they cannot purchase firearms, or work in Critical Industry, like Government, truck drivers, teachers, doctors, civil engineering or the Petroleum industry


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