Ted Cruz Wins Kansas Caucuses – IOTW Report

Ted Cruz Wins Kansas Caucuses

With early half of Kansas’s caucuses reporting in, Ted Cruz holds a commanding 24% lead over Donald Trump. IOTW can now project that Mr. Cruz will win the caucus.

With 48% in, Ted Cruz currently has 49% of the vote, Donald Trump has 25%, Marco Rubio has 15%, and John Kasich has 10%.

38 Comments on Ted Cruz Wins Kansas Caucuses

  1. I’m in KS. It’s been crazy exciting. They literally ran out of ballots in places and were passing out index cards to vote on! (Signed by an official to prevent fraud, naturally.)
    Praise the Lord for this victory. More please.

  2. Interesting. Seems the polls had Cruz losing by 6% versus beating Trump by 27%.

    Friday March 4th 2016 Poll
    Kansas Republican Presidential Caucus Trafalgar Group (R) Trump 35, Cruz 29, Rubio 17, Kasich 13, Carson Trump +6

    Seems the polls can be wrong, very wrong. Maybe Drudge was a bit premature.

  3. I guess Kansans didn’t hear from the mainstream media that the race for the GOP nomination was all over on Super Tuesday. And they must not have seen that video about Cruz’s secret plan to become the president of the North American Union, or whatever it is he and his diabolical wife are supposed to have planned.

  4. This is why the establishment Republicans hate closed primaries.
    Republicans voting in the person Republicans want to run because there is no ballot box stuffing.
    Hopefully there is still a possibility that we won’t get stuck with the guy the Dems and establishment types are pushing.

  5. My advice to Trump is to stop with the Mega-Rallies where he’s shouting the same things to the people over and over again, trying to fill time like a Jerry Lewis telethon, which leads to inanity.
    GO SMALLER, more intimate.

    Talk in a measured presidential tone. Look people in the eyes.

    Try some local libraries, VFWs.
    Switch it up.

    It’s like when Andrew Dice Clay started doing comedy shows at Madison Square Garden.
    Wrong venue for comedy, but his ego couldn’t allow him to do what was right.

    After awhile people got sick of simply being part of “the event” and sought real substance elsewhere.
    Is politics that shallow? Yes, yes it is, especially when dealing with a shooting star.

    Trump is toying with succumbing to fatigue factor and becoming a Cabbage Patch Kid.

    He’d better zag, because the zig may be getting old.

  6. “It’s going to be tough for Cruz, but he can pull this out.”

    And then what? Pinko original point was always correct. It will be much tougher for him to win the general than Trump.
    Jeez, Medgar Evers brother just endorsed Trump. Trump can get voters to cross over. Particularly if he’s running against Hillary.
    Cruz? I don’t think so.

  7. Bad Brad,

    I always advocated for letting the process play itself out, letting the people decide who is best, without manipulation from prognosticators who strong arm, threaten and bully people off of their vote based on what they “think” is going to happen in the future.

    People have this pathway mapped and figured out, and look what just happened.
    Cruz won a state, BIG, when he was suppose to squeak it out.
    No one knows what is going on, and it’s not right to tell people to do what you say because “this guy can’t win the general.”

    People are saying Trump can’t win the general. I think that’s ludicrous.
    I think Cruz could win the general.
    The right can beat the left this year. Hillary is as vulnerable as could be.

    Cruz could make mince meat of Hillary in a debate.

    Let’s just campaign for your guy or gal, free of blackmail, guilting and shame.

    It’s my beef with #NeverTrump.

    Fuck all them involved with that movement.
    THOSE ARE THE BROWNSHIRTS, trying to organize an anti-vote within their party and facilitating the mortal enemy to win.

  8. “Fuck all them involved with that movement.

    Unfortunately I think the Brown Shirts are just starting to show up. There’s every possibility that the “Establishment”, who ever the heck they are, are not going to allow either one of these candidates into the White House. But I’m reasonably sure the “establishment” does have something to do with litigators.

  9. Drudge had 0bama’s approval rating up at 51%.

    The only reason it’s that high because all of the gutter-mud being thrown this year.

    Hell, even George W Bush is becoming more popular lately.

    I’ll be glad when we can join together and burn that Salem Witch.

  10. “I’ll be glad when we can join together and burn that Salem Witch.”

    Agreed, I don’t know about the rest here but I’m burning out fast on this deal.
    Wake me up when it’s over.

  11. The #nevercruz people are just as bad as the #nevertrump people, and there are more of them.
    I, to this day, believe that we are falling for the same trap we fell for in 08 when it comes to Hillary.
    Romney very well could have beat Hillary, at the time, it looked like a lock. Oops, he ran against her, then found out to late that he wasn’t running against her.
    The voters in love with the hemorrhoid medicine salesman will stay home in droves if she is the one, and she can’t poll even 50% in a 2 person race.
    While it is very likely that most of the crossover voters that voted in our open primaries are intending to vote for the beast, when you pound it out, in reality, Cruz, Trump, or Rubio could beat her.
    I suspect that the reason they have invested so much in Trump is that they have someone in the wings they believe can walk away with it if Trump is the guy.

  12. I want to win, but I want to win clean.
    They’re going to screw Trump and he’s going to jump ship taking 40% of the vote into a third party
    If it were me I’d settle with a half a loaf.
    If he wins it I would let Trump have at it (and that’s a very big IF on if he wins) and plant Cruz as the VP an tell Cruz if Trump tries anything crazy they’ll back him in having him choke on a pretzel

  13. Tonight’s English Composition assignment:

    A 500-word essay on either of two topics:

    “Would Today’s Primary/Caucus Results Have Differed Had Romney Not Opened His Yap on Thursday?”


    “Will Donald Trump Remember March 5, 2016 as the Date of the Saturday Night Massacre?”

  14. I think either Trump or Cruz could beat Hillary in the general. Registered “R” voters are fired up and the Dems are pretty much in “meh” mode (except for Bernie’s kids). Even the libs know Hillary is toxic. Not to say many wouldn’t vote for her, but a lot will stay home, too. Now that Yeb, Christie, and (soon) Rubio are out of the picture, I’m all for getting positive about whoever the “R” candidate turns out to be.

  15. To clarify – maybe it’s about time for Trump supporters AND Cruz supporters to stop with the nasty bashing of the other guy, because the other guy just might be our candidate. #NeverHillary

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