Tehran professor ‘likes what we see’ in anti-Israel protests, claims there are ‘Hezbollah-style groups in U.S. much larger than in Lebanon’ – IOTW Report

Tehran professor ‘likes what we see’ in anti-Israel protests, claims there are ‘Hezbollah-style groups in U.S. much larger than in Lebanon’

Sara Carter:

Iran can rest easy seeing all the supporters it has on U.S. college campuses, says Tehran University Professor Foad Izadi. He believes “Iran can repeat in America what it did in Lebanon” and said of the protests on college campuses, “we like what we are seeing” and “these are our people” who “will support Iran in case of confrontation.”

Fox News reports that Izadi spoke as a member of the Islamic Republic, and oftentimes said, “we,” referring to him and the republic. “Sooner or later, this kind of support for the Zionist regime by the American regime will diminish. It might not stop completely, but its diminishing is important,” he said in the MEMRI video. “This is why the demonstrations [on U.S. campuses] are important.”

Professor Foad Izadi, who, according to the University of Southern California Center on Public Diplomacy, earned his master’s degree from the University of Houston, was seen in a video published to social media and translated by MEMRI.org, being interviewed about the protests in the U.S. more

3 Comments on Tehran professor ‘likes what we see’ in anti-Israel protests, claims there are ‘Hezbollah-style groups in U.S. much larger than in Lebanon’

  1. These are not organic protests.

    Be that as it may, what would happen if lawbreakers were just arrested, those who were students expelled, and otherwise they got little attention?


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