Texas Gov. Abbott appoints interim AG amid Paxton impeachment – IOTW Report

Texas Gov. Abbott appoints interim AG amid Paxton impeachment

Just the News: Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott on Wednesday announced his appointment of a temporary state attorney general to replace Ken Paxton, who has been temporarily removed pending the resolution of his Senate trial.

Former Texas Secretary of State John Scott will serve in the post until the upper chamber proceedings conclude, Abbott announced in a press release.

“His decades of experience and expertise in litigation will help guide him while serving as the state’s top law enforcement officer,” Abbott said. “I appoint John Scott for this role based on the Texas Constitution to serve for a temporary period during the Texas Senate’s resolution of the impeachment proceedings.” more

7 Comments on Texas Gov. Abbott appoints interim AG amid Paxton impeachment

  1. Abbott is a WEF weanie and adherent. Another parasite of the Austin infestation class which we just can’t seem to get rid of. He gloriously epitomizes our widely known, and in his case, extremely well earned, appellation: All hat, no cattle!! A big yellow MIA name tag should be slapped on his shirt along with all that other crap he always sports for photo ops!

    Texas is being destroyed through the disproportionate super-representation of five incredibly corrupt, bought-n-paid-for, population centers. Speaker Phallum’s protestations aside…Austin is every bit as bad as DC…the exact same class of over-entitled NPCs. The only amendment needed in our never-ending spate of state constitutional fix-it process is to enact a state level form of the Electoral College, with teeth, to leaven out this centralized tyranny of the mob.

    When I was growing up in the 60’s, Texas was widely known as a corrupt Demonrat cesspool. It started at the local level, sprinting all the way to Austin. Just take a critical deep dive into the LBJ arc of travail, if you don’t believe me…the Chicago and NYC mobs ain’t got nothing on that bunch. We finally began to seriously clean them out during the Reagan years, but they are back in force. Unfortunately, nearly two thirds of them unabashedly self-identify as Republicans, fifth column Marxists, each and everyone…amply demonstrated this past Saturday.

    We are in need of a Pale Rider to lope in and effect a more permanent solution…probably one of greater efficacy than Clint tossing a stick or two through the window.


  2. The good news is… six of Ken Paxton’s top aides have taken a leave of absence so they can help him with his upcoming impeachment trial. I think this leaves John Scott short handed and hog tied. Couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of corruptocrats.

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