Texas Inmate Wants to Become an Organ Donor – Two Weeks Before His Execution – IOTW Report

Texas Inmate Wants to Become an Organ Donor – Two Weeks Before His Execution


A Texas inmate who is set to be put to death in less than two weeks asked that his execution be delayed so he can donate a kidney.

Ramiro Gonzales is scheduled to receive a lethal injection on July 13 for fatally shooting 18-year-old Bridget Townsend, a southwest Texas woman whose remains were found nearly two years after she vanished in 2001. More

14 Comments on Texas Inmate Wants to Become an Organ Donor – Two Weeks Before His Execution

  1. Ok dude, you can donate your organs, but they’re to be taken out while you’re alive and fully conscious. Do we have a deal, Skippy? If not, STFU.

  2. “… let him bleed out under anesthesia.”

    Why? Just remove his kidneys – no anesthesia required. Done.
    Throw the carcass into a dumpster.

    mortem tyrannis
    izlamo delenda est …

  3. We don’t need to become anymore like China, thank you very much.

    According to the article, other death row inmates tried to donate kidneys to specific people. This guy is willing to wait for a match.

    Bottom line, it’s unethical and opens the door for all kinds of systematic abuse in the future.

    Imagine if a January 6th defendant was organ matched to some Senator’s daughter needing a kidney, think they wouldn’t charge the poor slob with murder then tell him they’ll cut him a deal for life if he’s willing to donate his kidney?

  4. Tim – FJB
    JULY 5, 2022 AT 5:32 AM
    ‘“… let him bleed out under anesthesia.”

    Why? Just remove his kidneys – no anesthesia required. Done.
    Throw the carcass into a dumpster.’

    …not thatbI fundamentally disagree with you, but I live in a state where Communists get scumbag executions cancelled all the time because “it might hurt”.

    This takes that excuse away.

    …also, be careful what you wish for. They may take your words to heart when they decide that disagreeing with Communists is a death penalty offence.

    You know, like Communists do.

    Ask the Chinese political prisoners who were cut open, plasticized, and mounted for display worldwide including the United States for further details…


  5. Huh, I was writing basically the same idea as Dr. Tar at the same time.

    Guess we think alike.

    You have my sympathies if so, I wouldn’t wish my mind on my worst enemy…

  6. …but to your point, Dr. Tar, he consented to the organ transplant so it’s not the State taking it. It was his idea.

    I’m just marrying it to the already adjudicated execution and saying as long as he’s out anyway, just don’t close the renal artery after removing the kidney he agreed to donate and let him just go out unaware. Probably a better death than a needle in a death chamber, whether he deserves a peaceful death or not…

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