The Battle of the Big Ugly – IOTW Report

The Battle of the Big Ugly

While the elites want us at each other’s throats over Trump vs. Desantis, the real battle for the nation’s soul is going to be fought among House republicans. Here

15 Comments on The Battle of the Big Ugly

  1. Pre election MJA mentioned some big thinkers were thinking Trumps big announcement would be he’s going Indy. At the time I thought no way. He’s got all these Grass Root young whipper Snappers that are going to get elected. Well I guess not. Trump going Indy could tear their shit up for a while. In fact it could just wreck their shit.

  2. The Turtle and his cronies sabotaged the campaigns and openly approved of the cheating in order to maintain him in power(lessness). The same game was played by the House Republican leadership. If their majority holds, you can be assured that they will capitulate to the Dems on nearly every issue. So long as the trough remains full and accessible, everyone in Congress and inside the beltway is happy.

  3. Brad,

    The best thing Trump could do to shake things up would be to run for the Democrat nomination.

    I do wonder what kind of leverage the Deep State is bringing down on Trump and his family and friends. Prison is a very real possibility for all of them.

  4. Trump is gonna announce that he’s been president since 2020 operating under a PEAD and the military has the actual results of the recent election before the cheating was imposed.

    It’s as good of a guess as any.

  5. I’m in favor of tearing everything apart and then rebuilding it. That could not be worse than what we are going through. This could be a good way to kick off 1776 part II.

  6. A suicidal person often presents an elevated mood in the days before doing the deed. Most failed suicides desperately regret the decision to make the attempt, even so many try again.

    It is clear the political path we are on is being led by unknown others, that is, the path has been determined and regardless of ‘votes’ or ‘candidates’ or ‘elections’ that path is being scrupulously followed.

    It appear that we the people are just going to have to ‘cheer up’ and ensure the deed is successful when we choose to make it happen. The romantic idea of a restoration of the republic is seemingly not in the cards. The sham republic will endure for as long as we remain armed, it is the only thing standing in the way of complete tyranny though it appears at the moment to be a weak last line of defense.

  7. @ACParker November 12, 2022 at 11:32 pm

    > So long as the trough remains full and accessible, everyone in Congress and inside the beltway is happy.

    Your mud slinging at their integrity, is so obviously, as to be laughably, false.

    Yes, (almost) everybody prefers to get more for less.

    But the loyal opposition will not abandon their loyalty, just because the going gets moderately less plush.

    International communalism is who they are. That is why they “run against” each other, on set; and breed together, at home. Why they take your money, against each other; and deposit it in the same accounts. Mere economic collapse will not change who they are; anymore than loyally throwing your wallet, at one “versus” the other, has.

  8. @Walter November 13, 2022 at 1:05 am

    > The romantic idea of a restoration of the republic is seemingly not in the cards. The sham republic will endure

    It is not a “sham”. There can be no “restoration” of that which has never faltered.

    The “rules” — by design — are subject to change, without notice. And have been changed, and changed back, and again.

    This is The Republic(TM).

    Grinding according to plan. The original plan. By design. Get in the boxcars. Or lay down on the track (sic). There are no other options. For The Republic(TM). By. Design.

  9. I’ve always thought Trump needs to divorce himself from the damn turtle party traitors.

    He doesn’t need to start his own party. Revive the Tea Party.

    Nothing is going to change until we STOP being afraid of electing: ‘people who don’t have political experience’…you mean like the “experience to grift, cheat, lie’!, “might be lying to gain office”… duh, are you paying attention to politics as us?, or any other ‘excuse’ to avoid standing up and saying, ENOUGH!

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