The Birther Lawsuits – IOTW Report

The Birther Lawsuits

Texas Lawyer Files Suit to Challenge Ted Cruz’s ‘Natural Born Citizen’ Eligibility.


Report: Rubio Fights A Florida Lawsuit Claiming He Has a ‘Birther’ Problem.

11 Comments on The Birther Lawsuits

  1. I’m glad this is being done this early. Once Cruz is proven correct they’ll have no legal recourse to fall back on as a defense to keep a conservative out of the WH.

    The progtards may have just formed their own noose.

    Secondly, and not that it’ll really matter in the grand scheme of things, Trump won’t have any reason to not name Ted Cruz as his running mate since he already suggested that might have been the case sans Cruz’ birther lawsuit.

    Pass the popcorn.

  2. This will take time to resolve and does for Hillary just what Romneycare did for Obama in 2012: it takes her criminal activity in large part off the table for the duration of the campaign.

    Let’s hope it goes quickly…be it Cruz’s vindication (that he is a natural born citizen) Trump’s landslide victory.

  3. Had we not endured obama and his “otherness” nonsense, and had the issue been looked at with obama himself being a dual citizen, we wouldn’t have this question now. But oh no! Birthers were cruel racists, they were too stupid to know that the original meaning in the Constitution didn’t mean what it had always meant, they couldn’t understand the plain words of Justice John Jay, they couldn’t comprehend the writings of historians and professors, scholars, Judges and even … lawyers. We were painted as lunatics all because obama had a rabid and very effective cadre of slander artists who flooded the internet and attacked the drooling mindless birther for the callous racist morons they were!

    If people were more interested in learning instead of proclaiming that they already KNOW, then we wouldn’t have this mess now. This mess, which by the way, plays straight into the hands of the left. The dems have tried since 1970 to have the natural born Citizen clause amended OUT, specifically so that foreign born persons can qualify for the white house. They have come at it from every angle, then one bonus, one special bonus of sliding obama in there … it confused the concept of original intent in the minds of most. I believe it was meant to.

    Now if you were to just ask casually what “natural born Citizen” even means, you are either immediately called a birther and become shunned, or you are told a tale of the crazy racists who don’t know how to read!

  4. If a fuckin drug-addled, homosexual, marxist, moslem, Kenyan bastard can be Preznit, why not a Canuck?

    After Obola, I don’t see why anyone would try to enforce any qualifications, whatsoever.

    A duck … a goat … an amoeba … a tapeworm …

    what difference, after all this time, does it make?

  5. I think it will work to his advantage. The one thing he lacks above all else is name recognition in the world beyond political junkies where 90% of the electorate is.

    Who knows, this might give him street cred with the immigrant vote!

  6. This is working out much better than Trump could have hoped for. I can hear him now, “I tried to worn him. I like Ted but we have too many stupid people running this country”. Checkmate. And he got Rubio too.

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