The Day They Drove Old Dixie Down – IOTW Report

The Day They Drove Old Dixie Down

The Confederate Battle flag was officially removed this morning from the grounds of the South Carolina State capital grounds.

This particular display of the battle flag began over 50 years ago when the nation was struggling with civil rights legislation.


Given the context, i.e. it was originally flown by racist Democrats with the intention of declaring their opposition to civil rights and trying to rally other Southerners to their racist cause, I don’t mind that this particular flag has being taken down.


33 Comments on The Day They Drove Old Dixie Down

  1. Oh, many places are. I believe Alabama says it’s staying, and various counties are refusing. Why should they take it to the SCOTUS? It hasn’t been declared illegal, and the oral argument would be sure to include the fact that it is part and parcel the flag of the dems.

  2. South Carolina, the first state to succeed has now fully accepted federal “encroachments upon the reserved rights of the States”.
    Disgusting and humiliating turn of History.

  3. “Every record has been destroyed or falsified, every book rewritten, every picture has been repainted, every statue and street building has been renamed, every date has been altered. And the process is continuing day by day and minute by minute. History has stopped. Nothing exists except an endless present in which the Party is always right.”

    George Orwell, 1984

    Don’t think for a second the Stars & Stripes aren’t in their sights – after all, it flew for 70 odd years over slavery.

  4. If this flag is so utterly evil, where were all the weepy caterwauling finger pointing politicians five… ten… twenty years ago? Flag evil, flag always evil, but no one knew that before last month?

    Why now?

    Because it fits their selfish bullshit campaign agendas, that’s why. None of these politicians care for anyone other than themselves.

    I hope they all choke on Stars ‘n’ Bars.

  5. I find it completely appropriate.

    The “Stars and Bars” should be adopted as the Battle Flag of the re-Constituted “Sons of Liberty” who fight for Independence from Tyranny, Freedom, Liberty, and the Restoration of the Constitution.

    The racists be damned.

  6. Rush made a point yesterday that all these anit-flag people will rejoice for about 1/2 hour before they realize nothing changed. The people they think the flag represents will still exist, so in essence, nothing has changed. These people will still be bitter.

  7. All this bullshit because the mutant who murdered innocent people in a church was photographed holding a flag.

    He was also wearing a “Gold’s Gym” Tee shirt. Why not close down Gold’s Gym?

    Such utter stupidity.

  8. Whoa! Let’s not be expecting
    any miracles where Revrum Al is concerned. After all, you know that in the vicinity of the Divinity, the emotion of his devotion gives him tax immunity in the community.

    Can I get an “Amen” on that…?


  9. The CBF recognizes and honors the men it was created for who marched, fought, killed, and died for it in countless battles. Some of those soldiers were ancestors of mine. Nikki Haley made me sick when she embraced Al I don’t pay taxes Sharpton. I used to support her but no longer and that other phony bwitch Jenny Horne can cry me a river after seeing her scornful scripted routine calling the CBF a symbol of hate. I sincerely hope and pray both those scalawag RINOS get voted out for handing all the Lib Prog Pukes a huge victory. PC is nothing more than Stalinist suppression and elimination of history the perpetually offended and eternally outraged don’t like nothing more. Those Pukes are pushing their hateful agenda everywhere they can from flags to cakes to outright damage done to this once great nation in the name of liberalism…….SPIT!

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