RestoringLiberty– The House of Representatives Thursday defied President Obama’s threat of a veto and voted, 289-137, to impose new screening requirements on Syrian and Iraqi refugees trying to enter the United States.
The bill was supported by 47 Democrats. Only two Republicans opposed it. The House plan would bar any refugees from Syria or Iraq from entering the United States until the FBI, Department of Homeland Security and Director of National Intelligence certify that each one is not dangerous. read more
an exaggeration of risks? They said they’re gonna hit D.C. next. No hyperbole there.
“Hugely Defiant Vote”. Bullshit…Defiant is listening to the majority of citizens who simply don’t want these “refugees”…period. They need to resettle in other Arab countries because their way of life is totally incompatible with America and they will never even attempt to assimilate. I can’t afford to contribute to the support of one more beggar and I pray the first American to take a blast is Harry Reid…in the White House…while blowing Obama.
Oh good….maybe his head will explode soon…
No worries. Senate will save him.
A “hugely defiant vote” would be the indictment of a traitor using the peoples’ Executive Office contrary to the Constitution; to the expressed will of the people; to historical precedent; and to basic common sense.
Unfortunately, no is introducing Articles of Impeachment appropriate to non-stop violations of the law for four years as our gov’t elected representatives do not represent either “we the people” nor the constitution they are all sworn to uphold/protect/defend.
Virtually all of them need to be primaried and required to defend every act and non-act in their previous term(s) of office in detail.
Ummm…that would be 7 years of Executive defiance of law..
Perfect now the ball is back in Imam Obama’s court.
They are NOT refugees by any rational and logical definition.
The first time in 7 years Congress said No to the traitor in the WH.
What took so long?
Congress reminds me of the South Pole Explorers, whining about their hardships, difficulties, and possible failure – only to discover Dora the Explorer long before them reached the goal.
(just as the citizens long before knew Zero must and could be stopped) .
What took Congress so long?
This Brit guy says it best:
(NOTE: This video is from Sept 20, almost two months BEFORE the recent ISIS attacks)
Pat C’ s comments are always good, and to the fundamental point.
(however, the above video was posted 3 years & 2 months ago)
New test for Syrian refugee border jumpers…
In 7 years Ted Cruz is the only person who stands up to Obama!
we have a partial solution
michael moore has offered to house syrian reugees
true story
send him a few thousand since it appears he has the food
47 Dims voted with the Republicans because they know their Dim friends in the Senate will kill it. Nothing to see here folks. Just political professional wrestling like usual.
Of course, a bandaid vote to appease the stupid half of the
He is purposely weakening us against the coming attacks by the moslimes. He wants the cops outgunned and us disarmed vs. the filth.
Stolen off the Internet –
Hey Obama!
……..(‘(…´…´…. ¯~/’…’)
……….”…\………. _.•´
According to my Congressman, Congress just stuck it to America:
unomac, i like it
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