The Knives Are Out for Hillary’s Buddy Terry McAuliffe in Final Week of Virginia Primary – IOTW Report

The Knives Are Out for Hillary’s Buddy Terry McAuliffe in Final Week of Virginia Primary

WFB: Progressive hopefuls launched aggressive attacks at frontrunner Terry McAuliffe during the last week of Virginia’s Democratic gubernatorial primary, invoking race to portray the multimillionaire former governor as out of touch with minority voters.

Former state lawmaker Jennifer Carroll Foy landed the most piercing blows against McAuliffe during the primary’s final debate Tuesday night. She first argued that the “out-of-touch millionaire” McAuliffe “had his chance” as governor and “failed the people of Virginia.” Minutes later, she seemingly accused McAuliffe of viewing black people as “convicted felons” after the former governor touted his work to restore voting privileges to former prisoners.

“Terry McAuliffe, not all black people are convicted felons. We are more than restoration of rights,” Carroll Foy said. “That’s why we need a governor who will treat us in a holistic way to root out the inequities in our health care, in our economy, in our environment, in all of the systems.” more

10 Comments on The Knives Are Out for Hillary’s Buddy Terry McAuliffe in Final Week of Virginia Primary

  1. Gah! I can barely believe how long people hang around in politics! The GOP has their own, but the Democrats are even worse. They just keep recycling the same old political gad flies. After 10 years in one successful career I decided to build on those skills and try a completely different line. After 25 years of building a reputation and mastering that career, I decided again to make a change. I’m now in my 4th year of my new (completely different) trade and loving it! What is it with pols who are satisfied to just keep hanging around?

  2. If the people of Virginia elect this clown to be Governor, they will get what they deserve. I totally agree with Abigail Adams, who said it before I could. The Democrats just continue to put the same candidates up election cycle after election cycle. It is nothing but a revolving door policy. Yet, somehow they keep getting elected.

  3. A Tale from Aesop:

    Let’s pretend we are all living back in the 1860s and every thing is the same now, as it was then…(the media, schools, Hollywood, and corporate media will help us with this)! Except, we are now and they are then…even now!

    And…we are the good guys, according to all that has happened since then, till now! We are the good guys and our enemies are racsssssists! Because they are the same today as they were then, you see?

    “We are soooo smaut!”, said the snake to the hedgehog and armadillo.

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