The Left Thinks They Would Win a Civil War – IOTW Report

37 Comments on The Left Thinks They Would Win a Civil War

  1. The very first time we stayed here,

    Rosie O was living our Villa, late. we had to wait for the staff to get the room ready. We ended up asking them to change the master bedroom mattress because it had a big ass sunken spot dead center. Now at the time a weighed in about 270. And when we passed Rosie I remember thinking 300lbs easy. She had some skinny assed little blonde with her that didn’t look happy.

  2. “The left thinks they can win a civil war”

    They also thought they could win the election with their expertise at cheating.

    I’m guessing they’re not aware of just how out-numbered they are.

  3. All the left has done so far is launch a Snivel War starting Nov 6. If they have loony expectations of winning a real Civil War they got to stop crying and sniveling first.

    I’d say let them start one. But let’s not underestimate them by letting our guards down. They could get small arms from sympathetic service people or have them smuggled in from foreign countries. They could do some damage.

    When and if they pop up, let’s drive them into the ground. Back into their holes.

  4. The last time the Democrats started a shooting war because a Republican got elected President, it turned out to be the highest body count of any American war. But by 1865, they had been thoroughly vanquished.

  5. Think of those fatty purple haired malcontented lesbies. They provide huge targets. Starting with Rosie O’Donnell. She may start the revolt. She’s been revolting for a long time.

    Some lucky patriotic guy or gal will bag her.

  6. @Lance

    One thing the confeds got right was States Rights. That concept was ground into the earth by successive fed gov’ts.

    Unfortunately, the confeds used a very good concept to justify and enforce a bad thing in their area of control. To stupid people, States Rights = Nazism.

  7. The progressives that lead the Dems have been goading conservatives to violence since Obama won the presidency. They don’t need to win a civil war to win. They just need to destroy the United States to win. Besides, they only really value metropolitan areas and college towns and they already own those.

    If they can dissolve the United States and plug what they control into a global government, they can take their time with the rest…or not.

    Look for Dems starting to seriously and openly talk about secession as an option for “resistance” to Trump’s reforms. Many Dem cities have seceded in all but name, already.

  8. Keyboard warriors make poor combat soldiers. This is the left’s idea of a sustainable society. Remember the CHAZ and CHOP “experience”;

    The left are doomed to be clueless Marxist tools. No concept of reality.
    Most of the left don’t ev3n know how to plant a garden. How are they going to win a civil war against well-prepared conservative militias who have agrarian skill sets and own land? The left winning a civil war is laughable and a demented fantasy.

  9. They own the Armed Forces and the entire “Law” enforcement apparatus.
    As well as the propaganda outlets.

    Never underestimate your enemies.

    “Be the fustest with the mostest.”
    (N.B. Forrest)

  10. Lance O Lot, more to your point the democrap party before the American Civil War from 1861-1865 was directly responsible for the civil war. They were the ones who instigated it and should be held responsible for it, but no the revisionist history books claim it was all the Republicans fault then and still now. The democraps were and still are the party of KKK, Jim Crow, lynching of blacks and everyone else who disagreed with them including Catholics, Jews etc., of segregation, voted in lock step against the Civil Rights act of 1964 and every other racist policy imaginable. The democraps were and still are the problem and not the GOP except for gutless, weenie, linguini spined RINO’s who are merely democrap light. And now the bastards want to start World War 3 in order to keep Trump from being inaugurated as our next president in 59 days, 8 and a half short weeks. I hate the evil democraps, they’ll stop at nothing in order to retain their power in order to destroy America as it was founded.


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