The local left hook to Hillary’s Russia hoax – IOTW Report

The local left hook to Hillary’s Russia hoax

Howie Carr:
By Howie Carr

Of course there had to be a Massachusetts hack or two connected to Hillary Clinton’s Russian collusion hoax scandal — we’ve known that for months now.

His name is Charles H. Dolan Jr., and he turns 72 next month. He’s got the usual shabby fourth-string coat holder Democrat credentials, including making much more than $100,000 from real, documented collusion with assorted sinister Russian nationals.

According to the federal criminal indictment last year of one of his Kremlin cronies, Dolan was at least indirectly involved in concocting the most noxious calumny of all in Hillary Clinton’s dodgy dossier — the Donald Trump “pee tape,” which was absolutely false.

Because Dolan has not been indicted, he’s only identified by the feds as “PR Executive-1.” But his lawyer has admitted that he is the UMass ’74 grad who apparently started the bogus story, even if inadvertently.

Now it turns out that Dolan has one other impeccable qualification as a Massachusetts Democrat career payroll Charlie.

He was once arrested and charged with drunken driving, reckless driving, speeding and marked-lane violations after boozing it up at a local hack hangout in Newburyport. He lost his driver’s license for 45 days.

In 2014, the charges against the dipso Demo were “continued without a finding” because … Democrats.

We’ve known about this hack’s hack since November, when one of Dolan’s comrades, a dodgy Russian operative named Igor Danchenko, was indicted and charged with lying to the FBI about his role in concocting Hillary Clinton’s bought-and-paid-for fake “dossier.”

But the press seemed intent on giving Dolan a good leaving alone, perhaps because he has been involved for decades in the corrupt campaigns of both Clintons. The Wall Street Journal and the Washington Post finally picked up Dolan’s trail Tuesday, complete with a pro forma denial from the Clintons:

“A longtime aide to both Bill and Hillary Clinton said she had no recollection of Dolan.” more

5 Comments on The local left hook to Hillary’s Russia hoax

  1. This sleaze-o ought to be indicted and tried.

    I wonder how many of us here at iOTWr are simply lucky that we haven’t ever been caught driving badly due to too much to drink. I’m certainly one, although it has been decades since I got smart enough not to do that anymore.

  2. Next Month’s Headline:

    “Charles Dolan apparently died of a suicide by three shots to the back of his head with a small caliber firearm either before or after he hung himself.”


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