The March of The Deplorables – President Trump’s Army Has Chased Biden Off Campaign Trail – IOTW Report

The March of The Deplorables – President Trump’s Army Has Chased Biden Off Campaign Trail

Treehouse: In early October a large number of Latino supporters for Trump in Miami-Dade county Florida surprised the Biden-Harris campaign by swarming a local Kamala Harris event.

It happened again… and then again… And then by mid October the organically occurring approach started to catch fire.

The Deplorables are on the march, and their assembled visibility, the political optics, have destroyed the media narrative.

The downstream impact on the messaging of the Biden-Harris campaign, their surrogates and the DNC club writ large, is devastating.  That’s almost certainly the real reason Joe Biden has abandoned his in-person campaigning.

Earlier today President Trump referenced an article by Byron York:

…”It was the biggest political rally no one saw. And gatherings like it have been happening for months in some of the places President Trump needs most to win if he is to be reelected. And, remarkably, the rallies are not the work of the Trump campaign.”…


16 Comments on The March of The Deplorables – President Trump’s Army Has Chased Biden Off Campaign Trail

  1. King county had a Trump car rally in the usual places — outside Seattle city limits. Who wants some antifa/burnlootmurder tweaker shooting at them or a green-haired harridan screaming epithets at them in front of their children? It was a good turnout.

  2. Creepy Joe has been forcibly retired from the battlefield.

    The frail and addled old carnival barker just couldn’t hold up to the pummeling he was served up by the world champ.

  3. Remember, No one looses their job or gets attacked for being a Biden/Kamala supporter.
    Trump supporters face huge backlash, property dammage, and sometimes violence.

    As the election nears, more people will express their TRUE intentions.

    The polls will slowly start to reflect this, but election night will confirm it.

    If it is on TV it is socially engineered behavior. You are better off checking likes & dislikes on the internet where not everything is controlled. Yet……

  4. Can someone make a chump hat with Cheetah from the old Tarzan movies on it. It could say Cheetah may be a chimp but he’s no chump. And with an endless loop recording of Johnny Weismuller and his Tarzan yell when he’s summoning all the elephants and other jungle creatures to destroy all the bad guys. GO TRUMP! Joey and the democraps are the real chumps.

  5. So Ex-Prez Barry Obama was fixin to get ready to go out and try to rally some votes for Old Joe; other than the lame appearance with a megaphone at Biden campaign booth, anybody see any more of Barry ??

  6. I’m still relishing the collective moans reverberating from lefties as Barrett was sworn in last night.

    Don’t like President Trump? Too bad.

    Upset about how Biden is treated? Too bad.

    We’re in charge here. Get used to it.

  7. Everything Joe Biden says is a lie…
    There are over 210,000 dead from Covid 19.
    He got this lie from CNN,
    There are about 12,000 dead from Covid only,
    The higher number is deaths from all sources,
    This may come as a shock, people die every day.

  8. I hated every day the devious kenyan bandit occupied the WH with his insultingly fake ‘wife’. I was hurt financially, my country was changed, often illegally, and they insulted us as they did it— elections matter? Yes, if the candidates and the elections counts are legitimate.

    It would take a decade of serious hardship for the leftists, say prison time for crimes they’ve committed for starters, to even the score.


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