The mind of a typical Antifa moron exposed – IOTW Report

The mind of a typical Antifa moron exposed

ht/ c. steven tucker

16 Comments on The mind of a typical Antifa moron exposed

  1. First off, bombing Japan WAS good. They had it coming and it ended the war. Beating this idiot half to death is good because it will employee lots of medical staff. ( @ :::: Dang, you beat me to it!)

  2. The broken window employs the glazier fallacy. Moron has no understanding of the economic opportunity cost (i.e. money that could have improved a business is now wasted on repairing the broken window).

    I am not even in the field of economics and understand this reality. Let’s smash all his possessions and crush his body so he can use his money to buy new items and pay the hospital bills to rebuild his broken body.

  3. Except terrorism is not covered by insurance and the owner must come up with a cash. Most people don’t have it to rebuild.
    I love hearing stories about the same thing rolling back on top of them.
    They always seem so upset about it. What’s the problem.


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