The More People See Of Joe Biden The More Questions They Have – IOTW Report

The More People See Of Joe Biden The More Questions They Have

Just the News

Democratic nominee Joe Biden is drawing fire for what appear to be carefully staged campaign events in which he does not seem willing or able to answer questions in an offhand or impromptu manner. This has led some critics to question his mental stamina and acuity as a candidate seeking the most powerful office in the world.

President Trump on Thursday chided rival Biden for a nearly seven-second delay in Biden’s answer to a video question from a barista in a virtual AFL-CIO Labor Day event. Unable to immediately answer the barista’s question, Biden delayed and struggled to find words, instructing an off-camera handler: “Move it up here.” It was an apparent request for a more rapid scroll down inside the teleprompter script. More

15 Comments on The More People See Of Joe Biden The More Questions They Have

  1. @Cliche

    I think DNC has Disney on call to quickly make a robot or amitron (whatever they are called) of Joe Biden if he bites it. They’d have to work fast so they may already have the specs.

  2. I wonder if Biden has to wear diapers. If he wins, we certainly hope he doesn’t drop a load right there in the Oval Office. On the other hand, it would be as funny as when George Bush Sr. vomited at an official dinner in Japan.

  3. biden is a liability. How are the democrats going to explain that the majority of Americans gave this buffoon enough votes to become president? Maybe they’ll make a movie about this someday when the adults are back in charge.

    A grade B movie MST3K would love

  4. Don’t drink the koolaid. There is no way this Weekend at Biden’s carcass will be dragged to victory.

    Enjoy the Trump landslide that will be gathering momentum exponentially for the next 8 weeks.

  5. No, “they” don’t have more questions. “They” have already decided. If anyone is still not sure between the President and Slow Joe, they are lying, or just not paying attention, and therefore shouldn’t even be voting.


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