The Most Invested Lefty Woman in the World – IOTW Report

The Most Invested Lefty Woman in the World

27 Comments on The Most Invested Lefty Woman in the World

  1. Scene from a special episode of X files: Ask the guy who Kavanaugh was with who I don’t remember the name of and the people who took me up to the bedroom with him that I don’t remember the names of at the party I don’t remember how I got to, or how I got home from. That should prove I’m not lying.

  2. I remember in school the boys used to slap the girls asses all the time. If you didn’t you were a faggot. It was a test to see if she was interested in you or not – if she turned and kneed you in the sack, that was a clear message she wasn’t interested. I’d say a good 99% of boys AND girls from back then could be brought up on harassment charges today for the same acts, given how progressives have defined the parameters.

  3. I’m pretty sure this woman didn’t come up with this idea on her own. Maybe it’s time for an FBI (the real ones) to launch an investigation it what could easily be considered a crime of extortion (end your attempts at being confirmed or this smearing with continue) to see how widespread it is and who are tangled up in it.

  4. The dems always seem to have a floozy on hand to make groundless accusations against a political opponent. Likely recruited from some home for unwed mothers or someone way over their head with gambling debts.

  5. Look what some of her students have to say about her!


    Christine Ford
    Professor in the Social Work department
    at California State University Fullerton, Fullerton, CA


    Christine ford is the worst educator I have ever experienced. Avoid taking her class and avoid any interaction with this person. I feel like she has something wrong with her and I am surprised no one has caught this. Also avoid fullerton’s MSW program as long as she is there.

    Prof. Ford is unprofessional, lacks appropriate filters, and I am honestly scared of her. She’s made comments both in class and in e-mails, if you cross her, you will be on her bad side. I fear to think of the poor clients that had to deal with her while she got her MSW and her LCSW. Absolutely the worst teacher I ever had.

    Take her class and you will take antidepressant, start smoking or drinking again and gain 20lbs at your risk.

  6. Arlen Specter said tonight at dinner, “Mr. Grassley, don’t forget about the pubic hair on the Coke can! Every party had one back then.”

    I haven’t a clue what he’s talking about,
    but this is going to get interesting. 👿

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