The New Crooked Congressional Black Caucus – IOTW Report

The New Crooked Congressional Black Caucus

FrontPage: In the last decade, every single House Democrat sent to prison for financial crimes was a Congressional Black Caucus member. In the last twenty years, it’s been over 80%. After the midterms, the CBC has grown past a record 50 members. But that doesn’t mean it’s getting better. Power makes it worse.

Rep. Ilhan Omar is the most famous freshman member of the CBC in the 116th Congress. The CBC’s PAC boasted that she is “the first Somali-American and first Muslim woman elected to Congress”.

She’s also the first member of Congress who had to deny being married to her brother.

As historical “firsts” go, alleged incest in the House is far more historic than being an immigrant from a failed state and then crawling into Congress on the strength of the Ellison voters in Little Mogadishu.

Omar has denied being married to her brother, even though evidence suggests that she was. A complaint was even filed accusing Omar of abusing taxpayer money to divorce her own brother.

And then there’s the anti-Semitism, the trespassing arrest, opposition to an FGM law, the campaign finance fines, she’s currently facing a second Minnesota Campaign Finance Board investigation, and sources in the Somali community alleged that Omar’s campaign was using another Somali candidate, Guhaad Said, allegedly accused of stabbing 3 people, to find out who had leaked the incest story.

Rep. Omar is already a train wreck before taking office, but that just means she fits in at the CBC.  more here

7 Comments on The New Crooked Congressional Black Caucus

  1. The Roman Empire (West) lasted from Caesar to Constantine, about 350 years.
    The influx of rat-people into the Empire was more an effect than a cause – the Citizens of Rome no longer really giving a fuck – which is similar to what’s happening here. Seem to be some parallels with the British, as well, which spanned from 1700 to 1945 (or thereabouts).

    Looks (without any rigorous study) more like a case of apathy and indifference causing the dissolution than aggressiveness of neighbors. The “liberal” mindset, which extols the “virtues” of the weak and imbecilic, over those of the strong and mentally adept, weakens, and eventually destroys, civilization.

    So sad … but there it is.

    izlamo delenda est …

  2. Its not corruption to the CBC, its reparation.. Corrupt blacks understand their melinan immunizes them from accountabilty and thus they are the most entitled, arrogant, and racist of the evil that is the Democrat party.


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