The Obama family’s odd vacation movie request – IOTW Report

The Obama family’s odd vacation movie request

NYPost– While “Jurassic World” swallows the box office, the White House has requested a copy of a more rarefied film based on the life of James Gralton — the only Irishman ever deported from Ireland, in 1933.


Spies said President Obama and his family plan to watch “Jimmy’s Hall,” by social-realist UK filmmaker Ken Loach, on their upcoming Martha’s Vineyard vacation. (It’s PG-13.)

The film, which debuted at Cannes in 2014, follows Gralton’s efforts to revitalize an abandoned community center that gives dance lessons, which rankles the Catholic Church.

Gralton was sent to America as “an undesirable alien.” The activist drama has been favorably reviewed but doesn’t sound like relaxing vacation viewing.


18 Comments on The Obama family’s odd vacation movie request

  1. well barry and the moochettes nixed the flotus request of Jurasic world since they have to watch her tear into food like a velicaraptor at the dinner table each night. figure why watch on screen what they can view at home.

  2. Barack… better to rule in hell than serve in heaven. You ought to have a real special place there, having hurt so many and done so much damage.

    Sorry to all, that picture just makes me mad and madder. They could have done so much good but didn’t.

  3. Obama’s just messing with your heads.
    He’s not gonna watch any movies.
    He probably said, “Hmmm – let me see…what film can I pick that’ll stir ’em up
    the most? Got it – ‘Jimmy’s Hall’! Bwahahahahaaa…!”

    ; D

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