The Senate Just VOTED to STOP Obama – the Vote was 100 to 0! – IOTW Report

The Senate Just VOTED to STOP Obama – the Vote was 100 to 0!

The Senate – with a stunning vote of 100-0 – passed on an amendment that would impose sanctions on Iran if they were ever found to not be following whatever terms are finally hammered out between Iran and the P5+1 powers. This is a clear warning to President Obama that he is not to be trusted to deal with the evil Iranian regime.

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18 Comments on The Senate Just VOTED to STOP Obama – the Vote was 100 to 0!

  1. Please forgive my buttinski. Not trying to mess with a thread here, but don’t know where to put this good news.

    I just got a student update on Ben Shapiro’s speech at Mizzou. Packed to overflow and I think report of thousands of students watching on-line – conservative students AND faculty. Our children are NOT lost in the prog-mire folks. It’s just the way the media wants us to think and they present it as if the majority of students are spoiled brat snowflakes.

  2. It was a show roll call vote, on a non binding amendment.

    Inflicting sanctions depends on O’bomba”s call that Iran has broken the deal.

    Since Iran is going to be inspecting itself the US Senate can go eff themselves.

    Hocus Pocus

    Now everybody can go home for Thanksgiving and pretend thy really did something,

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