The sH*tler was most likely a myth – IOTW Report

The sH*tler was most likely a myth

The scatstika that sparked the outrage and led to the Missou’s president to have to “step down while being white,” most likely never happened.

30 Comments on The sH*tler was most likely a myth

  1. Of course it was a freaking myth. It is always a myth. And it gins up a shrieking, jabbering mob every time it is told.

    Whoever did it will probably end up in a cushy job at the EPA with the other affirmative action coprophiliacs.

  2. I wonder if Bob Avakian or Carl Dix of the Maoist Revolutionary Communist Party USA were on campus these past few days. I know Dix was in Ferguson when Michael Brown died. He was also in Staten Island when Eric Gardner croaked. Dix supplied
    the Hands Up signs.
    I feel that these bastards are behind all this turmoil. But who is watching them?

  3. Sounds like a vulgar tactic straight out of a Marxist playbook. It’s used to get attention. The objective is to create an offensive event so that leftists can springboard a protest and eventually force demands on their target. If the swastika ever exists, Black Lives Matter or some other leftist tools did it.

  4. if the ‘poopstika’ was real at least one of these media/fakebook/twit obsessed paragons of idiocracy would have taken a picture with their cell phones….no doubt about it ….they take pics & post about every facet of their self-adsorbed lives, including every turd they ever passed.
    they surly wouldn’t pass up this particular opportunity to win a moment of ‘fame’

  5. I feel for the poor non-prog students who are shelling out tens of thousands of dollars to fund the affirmative action daycare center that is now Mizzou.. However, if they are still there next semester, they deserve what they get.

  6. I have a couple of swastika tattooed acquaintances, trust me, they nor anybody for white power would ever make a swastika out of poop.
    Maybe one spray painted maybe, poop, never.
    These people are deranged.

  7. Tomorrow is Veteran’s Day.
    Let’s thank our WWII Vets for defeating Hitler and making America safe for all those campus lunatics who like to compare White Conservatives to Hitler!
    Rally wanna thank a Vet?
    Kick a democRat.

  8. If the smeared Nazi symbol had corn in it, then they’d be able to interrogate the students who ate creamed corn as a side dish in the cafeteria the night before. That would narrow down the list of suspects.

  9. The fifty to sixty five year olds in academia are just old beatnick pussies with suits and ties. The are of the same ilk as the stupid assholes who are revolting today. Today we have obamanicks; Maoists, commies, neer do well spoiled asswipes, freeshiters, pot smoking freaks.
    If President Tim Wolfe had just one ball he would have fought these bastards. But, unfortunately, he’s one of them.

  10. In the era of ubiquitous cell phones and selfies and videos and Snapchat, there is no fucking way there wasn’t at least a picture taken of the poo swastika if it actually happened. Unless one is produced, it never happened And even if it happened, it was most likely put there by some SJW cunt to stoke anti-white hatred. Fuck the goddamn SJWs, especially the black ones. They are the most outrageously worthless and dishonest motherfuckers on the planet next to the goddamn rag heads.

  11. Very true, but here’s the poop kicker, leftists claims of offensive is all they need to set off chaos. However, If cornered, they will stage (Photoshop) the event at a later date.

  12. So just let me get clear on the rules of engagement. The president of the university is supposed to micromanage the behavior of everyone within eyesight of the campus? So somebody (possibly not a member of the university community) used the N-word? Is there some reason these assholes can’t just deal with it and move on?

    Apparently a part of the current mess at Yale is that a group of black females went to a frat party on Halloween and were denied entrance to the party. This was a party that took place off-campus, in a privately owned building. The people throwing the party had every right to control the guest list. The women, however, carried on as if a Yale professor had thrown them out of class, or a cafeteria lady had refused to serve them food. But……a party? Grow up, people.

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