The Stupidity of Neil deGrasse Tyson – IOTW Report

The Stupidity of Neil deGrasse Tyson

The dum-dum was love tweeting the Super Bowl, but instead of talking about the game he went on a Cliff Clavin-like roll, offering up inane bits of trivia.

Here was the kickoff-

What the hell is so “odd” about the Revolutionary patriots proudly hailing from “New” England?

The pilgrims left England, landed here and called it NEW England, just like if there was somewhere for the disgruntled to sail we’d most likely call it NEW America, or BETTER America, or America 2.0.

This guy actually has the ability to make me angry, he’s that stupid, and the more he opens his Dorito-chute the more it becomes obvious that he’s an affirmative action recipient.

It’s like having Al Sharpton as the country’s poet laureate.

25 Comments on The Stupidity of Neil deGrasse Tyson

  1. I honestly think the moron drunk-tweets false crap KNOWING he will never, ever be called out on it, just to see how much bullshit he can get away with.

    Because, you know, raaaaaaacism if you ever do call him out, plus he will claim he’s the royal smart person in the room.

  2. @refuse

    I’m sure he knows there’s a “New York” but watch if he finds out there’s an old “York” but it’s not called “Old York.”

    I bet he can wax eloquently 140 characters at a time about how that’s fascinating and curious.

  3. A site named I Own The World should in fact be operated by someone who actually owns the world. I suspect that Big Fur Hat is actually Evelyn Robert de Rothschild

  4. Odd: Joan Collins was a guest on “Fashion Police” last night. She said, and I quote, “If you’re going to wear a fur hat, it should be big.” I shit you not. Some of the ladies here can probably back me up on this.

  5. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again–if it weren’t for affirmative action he’d be passing out hand towels in a swank Beverly Hills restaurant and offering to brush the dandruff off the patron’s suit jacket.

  6. Look for great amusement to come concerning this dope.

    Neil is letting his stoopid flag fly.
    That tends to attract criminals who, like the bald eagle, can spot easy prey from afar, .

  7. Yep, when I want historical tidbits I always go to the astrophysicist first.

    He obvious wasn’t paying attention to the game, otherwise he would have waxed poetically on the calculus of the forward pass or how Newton’s laws motion apply to trying to tackle Marshawn Lynch.

    I imagine NDT is one of those annoying people who can’t stand silence in a conversation and therefore has to fill the void with the dumbest of blather.

  8. If NDT and ODumber come within a mile of each other, they will fall into a decaying orbit, collide and explode in a supernova of historic stupidity. Then they will collapse in an African-American hole of ignorance, sucking all the decency and integrity from the universe. Odd that.

  9. Wait’ll he finds out “New York” was originally “New Amsterdam” and “Cartagena” means “New Carthage” and “Carthage” means “New City!”

    He’ll be beside himself, stewing in a great, stinking pile of irrelevance.

    Nobody GAF, Kneel.

  10. Affirmative Action + White Guilt + Populist Science + The Media’s need for Black Gravitas = Neil deGrasse Tyson
    Mix with Fame and alcohol and agitate
    Produce Bullshit fit for only Hipster consumption

  11. @sgtzim:

    If NDT and ODumber come within a mile of each other, they will fall into a decaying orbit, collide and explode in a supernova of historic stupidity. Then they will collapse in an African-American hole of ignorance, sucking all the decency and integrity from the universe. Odd that.

    Singularly odd! You’ve got the whole Black “black hole” thing nailed.

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