The True Story of Ivermectin – IOTW Report

The True Story of Ivermectin

Worth the watch and the share.

MJA here. Pardon the interruption.
This video is from November 2020. [Sky News Australia].
In it, Dr Peter McCullough describes the use of another effective anti-Covid drug, Hydroxychloroquine.

93 Comments on The True Story of Ivermectin

  1. It’s a great video, but I don’t know who to send it to. Those who would listen to a 24 minute video are already awake to the evil in the NIH. Those who worship the “experts” in the government won’t bother to listen to it. Thousands have died because some people wanted to make a lot of money. And that is the evil we are dealing with today.

  2. The so called vaccine is currently being tested world wide on human sheep. I’ll wait till I see how the sheep make out in a few years. Really don’t want to kill off any currently working body parts.

  3. The problem is the Democrats can’t steel the next election unless there is a fear and scare sweeping the nation. Ivermectin, it seems, would put a serious dent in the push for yet another national mail out election and the way Biden is preforming they will need another national mail out election so don’t expect to see ivermectin being used on a large scale anytime in the next forever.

  4. “Go on, take the shot. Man knows better than God does, and can definitely improve on God’s work. Go on, it’s safe and effective, you shall not surely die…”

    …this seems…familiar…

    “And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:”
    Genesis 3:4

  5. Here’s what’s been going through my head today. I have not researched this, it is just what has come from my general knowledge.

    We were warned of the negative consequences of Obamacare. One of those was the effect it would have on the health care industry. I feel that health care was impacted so severely that there had to be devised a means to keep it afloat. A way for federal dollars to be pumped into it such that it would not appear to be a bailout. Obamacare could not be proved to be a failure.

    COVID was the near-perfect solution. We all read of how initially, hospitals were being subsidized for COVID patients. Many of us suspected that this resulted in more COVID patients than actually existed. Investigations by some of the few true journalists that still exist supported this.

    I could extrapolate further but I think everyone here can fill in the blanks.

    The feds and the healthcare industry cannot allow for an inexpensive treatment/cure to be available. It will result in a collapse of the system that they have severely damaged. COVID, which we know has a mortality rate on par or less than the flu, must be made out to be the end of civilization as we know it. That’s close to exactly the way it’s purported to be by governments and the mainstream media along with the usual cast of characters.

    It also dovetails nicely with the depopulationist crowd.

    We have evil coming at us from nearly every vector. I wish I knew how to effectively fight back.

  6. Groucho, my home state of Taxachusetts saw 75% of the poked become infected with the delta variant. My hunch is you know how to use google.

    Gosh. How many more posts before you non-sequitur about how we’re all flaccid and love to place trust in viagra?

    Look on the bright side. When we’re all dead, that means more steak and lobster for you!

    In the meantime, I’ll be enjoying my COVID-1984 antibodies.

  7. I was under the impression, probably from public schooling and mass media manipulation, that vaccines were supposed to “slow the spread.”

    Wasn’t the goal to get 60% of people vaccinated in order to get a handle on case counts increasing? 60% was the magic number to see case counts go the other direction: DOWN and DOWN and even more DOWN.

    Now that we’ve been there, case counts are INCREASING? Say it isn’t so. It’s not supposed to work this way. The same people who make these predictions are the same people pushing the vax. How many more times do they need to be wrong before we stop listening to them? What’s the magic number now, 80%? 90%? 100%? Where’s the pivot point? It doesn’t seem to be working in other countries with high vax rates that our media REFUSES to report on, hmm, why is that?

  8. Current CDC numbers for GA. Approximately 51% have had 2 doses of the JAB. The infection rate of new cases of Covid-19/Delta are 70% vaccinated and the remainder with no JAB or only one hit of the JAB. Those who did get fully JABbed tend to be sicker than those who did not.

    It did take a little digging to get those numbers as they are berried under statistical mumbo-jumbo that skews the graphs but the raw numbers do not tell the story that is on the CDC graphs and charts page.

    We have been lied to and the lie has been perpetuated as Ivermectin is a cheap solution to stop this blight.

  9. I am tiring of the attitude of moral and intellectual superiority and self-righteous condemnation I have been receiving from the vaccinated. It appears they have deluded themselves into believing that the vaccine has made them immune to COVID-19 and that the unvaccinated are the only barrier to the return to normalcy. I understand the desire for an easy fix.

    Full immunity was never claimed by any of the vaccine manufacturers, though they have not gone out of their way to correct the misinformation spewing out of bureaucrats, politicians and the media. Vaccinations cannot result in herd immunity. Only exposure to and recovery from COVID-19 can provide herd immunity. That is why vaccinations were initially only for those at highest risk. Remember “2 weeks” and “Flatten the Curve”?

    The vaccinated are the super-spreaders. Viral loads in the vaccinated are orders of magnitude greater than in the unvaccinated. Breakthrough cases are rising rapidly and it is not the fault of the unvaccinated. The unvaccinated are not the reservoir of infection for the Xi virus. The vaccinated are — them and all those untested and unquarantined immigrants and refugees.

    I am not an anti-vaxxer. I am opposed to taking an experimental vaccine that has proven cytotoxicity without granting full immunity. Why is Israel suffering now? They supposedly have vaccine-enabled herd immunity.

    Yes, the vaccines have shown to reduce the severity of illness — for a short period. Vaccination without effective treatment protocols dooms us all. Experimental vaccination without clearly established efficacy and risk may doom us all.

    Barring physicians from using every resource available to them is criminal. Hundreds of thousands have suffered and died needlessly to serve the political and economic ambitions of those who control us.

    If I contract a severe case of the Xi virus and die from it, while further burderning a severely overtaxed healthcare system, it will not be because I have not yet had the vaccine. It will be because I was denied timely and efficacious treatment.

    All that being said, I may still decide to be vaccinated, but I must be convinced the risks are worth it.

  10. If it was REALLY “sAfE aNd EfFeCtIvE, we wouldn’t need that total liability waver, now, WOULD we?!?

    G’head, TAKE the shot! Take THREE! We’re making bank and you can’t TOUCH us if you’re paralyzed, your wife’s heart blows up, and your babies are born with flippers, so SUCKS TO BE YOU, BEYOCHES!!!

  11. MJA
    SEPTEMBER 2, 2021 AT 2:28 PM
    “I don’t understand why some people demand others to be forced into the shots, without knowing their current medical status”

    …which is why medical decisions SHOULD be between a DOCTOR and his PATIENT…and NO ONE ELSE.

  12. AC Parker
    “If I contract a severe case of the Xi virus and die from it, while further burderning a severely overtaxed healthcare system, it will not be because I have not yet had the vaccine. It will be because I was denied timely and efficacious treatment.”

    No.. it’s because you were stupid…

  13. @Groucho Marxist — You appear to be ignorant of the characteristics of a leaky vaccine, and the Wuhan virus meds are as leaky as they get. Go read this article at the Penn State “Dynamic Research in Epidemics” web site and then get back to us.

    Opening paragraph (emphasis added):

    Not all vaccines prevent infection. Some, known as leaky vaccines, prolong host survival or reduce disease symptoms WITHOUT PREVENTING VIRAL REPLICATION AND TRANSMISSION. Although leaky vaccines provide anti-disease benefits to vaccinated individuals, new research by CIDD’s Andrew Read, David Kennedy and colleagues at the Avian Oncogenic Virus Group in the United Kingdom, and The University of New England in Australia, has demonstrated that LEAKY VACCINES CAN MAKE THE SITUATION FOR UNVACCINATED INDIVIDUALS WORSE. Leaky vaccines work by enhancing host immunity to a particular pathogen, without necessarily blocking or slowing viral replication. THE RESULT IS THAT INFECTED BUT VACCINATED INDIVIDUALS HAVE EXTENDED SURVIVAL, ALLOWING HIGHLY VIRULENT PATHOGEN THAT WOULD NORMALLY REACH AN EVOLUTIONARY DEAD-END IN A DEAD HOST, CAN TRANSMIT. The evolutionary consequences of high virulence are thus reduced and these pathogens can be selectively favored as a result of leaky vaccination.

  14. I had to go to 4 farm stores today to find injectable Ivermectin, I do have a farm so it is used on animals as well.
    1st store told me corporate won’t allow them to have it on the shelves, but I could order it online and have it shipped to the store. They had plenty of the pour on and the horse paste though.
    2nd store is a small non-chain store and they said they were having trouble getting it. They also were low on the pour on and horse paste, because their two suppliers were having issues with it as well, because the chain stores were ordering so much.
    3rd store another chain said the same thing as the other chain store.
    4th store another chain had it in the 500ml bottles, so I bought two bottles in case they keep trying to keep it away from people.

    All 3 chain stores had their little FDA signs telling you Ivermectin is not approved for human use only animal use. Which we all know is a lie. FDA approved Ivermectin in the 90’s for human use and it had been being used in humans before that.

    I’ve heard on the news of people calling into the poison control center and every story is of people taking the pour on orally, it’s not made to take orally for animals, it’s made to pour on, stronger version and additives to make it absorb through the skin. Horse paste people are too dumb to realize they don’t weigh as much as a horse. So the two unsafest versions they are fine with it being on the shelves. The safest version to take orally they don’t want you to have. Just more proof to me none of this is about protecting people or saving lives, and I’m talking about everything to do with covid, the ventilators that they knew a month into it was the wrong treatment and was killing people, to the vaccines that are killing people, to the attempting to keep people from treatments that actually work to now taking the safest animal version off the shelves and leaving the stuff that people are poisoning themselves with.

    Oh and Groucho I can’t tell you about people who have died from Covid because I know none of them. I have told you about the people who have died from the shot, because I knew them. I know many who have tested positive for Covid over the past year, the majority never even felt sick, the few that did feel sick took Ivermectin intended for animals at the correct dose for their weight, zinc, vitamin C and D and were better in a few days.
    When we had it, it was before anyone knew anything about it, we took vitamin c and zinc because it’s what I’ve always done when getting sick and in addition to the vitamin c pills we ate a lot of oranges and drank a lot of orange juice and ate a lot of potato and chicken soup and no matter how bad we felt we would sit outside in the sunshine. We obviously survived.

    I did just remember a guy I know of that just recently died supposedly from covid, he was fully vaccinated, was put in the hospital on a ventilator and supposedly died from blood clots to his brain. My cousin who died from the shot and was not sick and tested negative for covid in the hospital died with bloodclots in her lungs and the one that killed her was the one that went to her brain. Two almost exact scenarios, both had stomach pain, trouble breathing, taken to the hospital, both vaccinated, one tested positive for covid the other tested negative and both died from a blood clot going to their brain. One they labeled as death from covid the other as natural causes.

    Now where is your proof these people died from covid and not the ventilator. Where is your proof covid killed them and not bacterial pneumonia or one of their other health issues?
    As for your 90% unvaccinated comment, when the hospital claims everyone that comes in is unvaccinated and the government doesn’t want to track breakthrough cases, yep it’s going to appear it’s the unvaccinated. However in countries not covering it up, the majority in the hospitals are vaccinated.

  15. Anyone who uses factcheck is an idiot. Done responding to you, braindead leftist idiots are a waste of my time.
    Maybe enough will have gotten the vaccine that shortly we’ll be rid of them for good.

  16. Groucho accuses me of being stupid in the same post he links to People magazine website.

    Gosh. Since Elvis and Diana are still alive, did they also get the poke too? Was it administered by Batboy? Has Demi Lovato’s vaccine chosen its pronouns yet?

  17. MJA, I cried with more people through October November and December than I have my entire career. I’ve seen too many friends and family get sick and die..

    I was one of four dept heads that didn’t catch covid. I watched people die because of what covid did to them..

    We didn’t have vaccines the first go around.. when they offered us the vaccine in January i rolled up my sleeve.

    I have friends and a daughter that work covid units. My dtr cries going to and from work.

    I was fifty before I got a string of patients my age and younger that I watched die from various maladies..

    My daughter is 38. Yes her patients are given ivermectin.. it’s not a cure-all nor is hydrochloriquine…

    If you go to her hospital, you’re stuck if you need a higher level of care..
    They can’t refer you someplace else that’s full..

    Full of morons that for stupid, selfish, moronic, and delusional ideas thought they didn’t need the vaccines..

    The 90% of hospitalized patients that are unvaccinated was a local headline. When I googled it.. it’s Nationwide..

    I watched a friend forty years old on Facebook for three weeks in Odessa near death but the hospital was full.he Lost thirty-five pounds in three weeks.

    Get vaccinated..

    The isreal storyline is pure bs. . 60% of hospitalized patients are vaccinated..

    That’s a grand total of 514 patients.. 300 patients that are hospitalized.. there’s room for them..

    Yes Boston has an outbreak and vaccinated people are positive.. four hospitalized..

    I never got covid but it has taken so much from me.. I retired six weeks ago..

    I’m a little tired of the stupidity here…

    I’m done for now

  18. Somewhere down this thread, I lost whether this is sarcasm or a genuine food-fight.

    Either way, let’s all meet back here on Halloween, where we can sit around our laptops running on generators while eating squirrel-on-a-stick and telling stories of how our friends and neighbors died at the hands of Talibans smuggled into the United States on August 31st instead of Americans.

    Good times ahead.

  19. Groucho Marxist

    MMMkay, you sound like someone that could help unlock some mysteries. Old thread, I’ll ask one and see if you respond, how many that suffered the full brunt were obese? I had the jab My Oncologists talked me into it on relaying what he was seeing locally with cancer patience.

  20. @ Blue

    It’s obvious a mask-induced lack of oxygen has driven these folks mad.

    You’re wrong about a Halloween party; the internet will be devoid of conservative blogs by then.

  21. Just sayen, Groucho Marxist does sound about as angry as my Oncologist. My Oncologist is pissed because he has a job to do and COVID has turned political. My Doc would strangle Fauci if he ever met him.

  22. I’m sick of the obese etcetera. We had eight patients morbidly obese.. Cruised right through..

    Let me know when enough of your friends and family get sick or die from covid.. enough of mine have

  23. If any of you get covid, I Hope that they pump you full of ivermectin and hydrochloriquine. But know this.. good covid cases affect the way your body metabolizes medications..

    We can give you a lot of medication that isn’t going to do you any good if you don’t absorb it.. cheers

  24. Groucho, you might be done, but some of us aren’t. My brother, a health care professional, took the jab, and has been dealing with A-Fib ever since. He says it’s getting worse. And you know what? He is telling me I need the jab. Another brother, tells me it’s my civic duty. You jab addicts can take all the jabs you want, I’m not going to. My 40 year old dental hygienist is temporarily not working, mini-strokes after the jab. Never a problem before. The frickin Brown Shirts telling us to comply can kiss my homesick ass!!!

  25. Groucho Marxist

    I ask you to understand what’s going on here. Nobody on this site is stupid. They know they’re being played. Not only has this turned political, it’s being used for political gain. They’ve weaponized COVID politically. What doesn’t help matters is the LARPer’s that did the same the with Q. They post outrageous shit because they know they’ll get a certain percentage of conservatives to look stupid. Case in point, The Clot Shot. Here today,gone tomorrow. Or how about, don’t get that second dose, that’s where all the bad shit is. I confirmed on my own the second shot of all the jabs, with the exception of J&J obviously, are identical to the first.
    We search for answers because the Government is intentionally lying to us and we know it.
    I am convinced there is a correlation of immunity with people that work out. However the NFL has me a little confused.

  26. OK Groucho, I’ll bite.
    What is your opinion on those of us who had covid?

    I had it very bad early on. I don’t wish it on anyone.
    (Well, that’s a damn lie right there…LOL)

    Anyway, I will NEVER get the jab.
    I feel I am far more protected than those that will have to keep getting shots every few months.
    It was released late last year, thus it’s still in it’s infancy, experimental if you will.

    That said, I do say those that are obese, elderly, co-morbid, etc. CONSIDER getting jabbed.
    I cannot RECOMMEND it since I AM NOT THEIR DOCTOR…

  27. Jeffrey Goines: Telephone call? Telephone call? That’s communication with the outside world. Doctor’s *discretion*. Nuh-uh. Look, hey – all of these nuts could just make phone calls, they could spread insanity, oozing through telephone cables, oozing into the ears of all these poor sane people, infecting them. Wackos everywhere, plague of madness.

  28. Here is what I like, Groucho Marxist has been here a long time. I don’t remember ever disagreeing with him before, but this is one time I absolutely do disagree. However, it’s important we have a forum to air these discussions out. It’s good for us to do so. Groucho has an opinion many of us disagree with, he is making an attempt to present his side. I completely disagree with him. Tomorrow we my have a discussion that I’m in agreement with him on. Two thumbs up for everyone at iOTW!

  29. joe6pak

    Same here.My wife tested positive. But quite honestly we doubted the results. Way before I got the JAB. A year and a half ago, after my last dose of poison and radiation, I hit the gym as hard as I could. So for a year and a half, unvaxed, I worked out in 3 different gyms. Unmmasked, not only did I not catch it nobody in any of those gyms did either, There’s got to be a logical pattern here.

  30. Agreed joe6 & Brad.
    I’m sure Groucho’s patients trusted him, which is fantastic.
    Most doctors I have been to barely spend 30 seconds with me and frankly don’t GAF about me. I know they are busy but for fucks sake!

    Since the beginning we are supposed to trust Fauci, Burke, the CDC, the FDA, the federal government swamp.
    I trust gas station sushi far more than any of the bullshit being spewed out of DC, Atlanta, etc…

  31. Yea well Loco, Joe6, I don’t see that we are combative with Groucho. Maybe he’ll answer some questions tomorrow. Or maybe we’re not worth his time. Just more unanswered questions. The Medical Profession is as guilty as the CDC.

  32. Brad, you’re completely correct, the medical profession is sold out to the corporate protocols that are dictated to them by the AMA, NIH, CDC and any other three letter medical governmental bureaucracy that is out there. We’re fucked every time we turn around!

  33. No one will read this since it’s so far down the list, but before I moved I worked at an large aerospace company…three shifts, over 500 people. Over 50 people got covid and all of them survived. Sent home for two weeks and came back to work. Some were vaccinated, but I believe the majority of them were not.

    I was around 23 of them on a daily basis. I never got it or if I did damn the side effects were minuscule.

    I’ve mentioned this before, I fully believe in the benefits of tea, vitamins and herbal supplements. I believe the zinc, vitamin c and d, echinacea and dandelion root (several others I take, but too much to type) contributed to me not getting the China flu. Now, I could be full of shit and it’s all in my head, but I haven’t had the flu for as long as I can remember. I do know that people are all different and what will affect someone won’t do a damn thing to someone else.

    With that being said, I’ll be damned if I get the jab. After reading the covid blog site, there is no way in hell I’m putting that shit into my system. Call me asshole or stupid or whatever the fuck you want, I don’t give a rat’s ass. Just my two cents.

    PS – “Groucho accuses me of being stupid in the same post he links to People magazine website….”

    Can’t. Stop. Laughing.

  34. Groucho – You display the typical “I’m smarter than you” attitude amongst a large portion of white collar individuals. Always think you know more than the average person and generally it’s the opposite. You are the used car salesman in the health care field.

  35. Before the therapeutic (erroneously called the vaccination) appeared on the Covid scene, what was the death rate for the infected?
    What is the death rate of the infected (whether jabbed or not) post therapeutic?
    I think the clever amongst us sees where I am going with this.
    (There is no difference.)
    Pre “vax” some people got mildly ill, some got severely ill, some didn’t know they had it, some died.
    Post vax – same thing.
    You’d have to be an idiot to think “wow, the jab is mitigating the effects of Covid!!!”
    It’s not. And even if you swear it is, the efficacy wears off. If the entire country took the jab the stats would be exactly the FUCKING SAME!!!
    How is no one seeing this?
    Now, to be fair, the same things can be said about prophylactic therapeutics like Ivermectin.

    I am impressed, however, with people coming back from the brink with these unapproved methods.

    Any agency telling people not to try and live with legal substances is an evil prick who does not have your best interest in mind.

    I guess they feel people will do that in lieu of the jab, which is a valid concern for people who believe in the jab.

    But there is a case to be made that the jab does nothing. So BACK THE FUCK OFF!!!
    Got it?

  36. Dr. Jane Aronson, 69, was among those who were fully vaccinated and infected in Provincetown. She said she developed symptoms including shortness of breath, a cough and a low-grade fever. But the vaccine saved her life, she said.
    “That’s exactly what happened,” she told CNN’s Anderson Cooper on Friday. “I felt immediately like, ‘I’m scared, but I know this vaccine will work.'”>>>>

    This goes to prove that doctors are not necessarily smart.
    This comment is ASININE!!!!


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