The way to lose the House is to cave to Democrats and the WSJ on immigration – IOTW Report

The way to lose the House is to cave to Democrats and the WSJ on immigration

AT: The WSJ, including even its editorial page, is getting more worthless every day.

This week, one of their top editorials said that President Trump’s threat to shut down the government over Congress’s failure to finance a border wall is the way to lose the House. They titled it: “Trump’s Lose-the-House Strategy.”

Actually, they have it bassackwards. If Trump gives in to House minority leader Nancy Pelosi, Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer, Sen. Dick Durbin of Illinois, and the WSJ itself in its longtime open-borders stance on immigration, that is the real way to lose the House.

In the article, the Journal makes one of the most condescending statements, right here:

“It’s always risky to use the word “strategy” about Trump because he’s so impulsive and capricious”

I believe a lot of us can understand Trump’s strategies on many subjects. He does things with the aim of achieving results, whether directly, or by confusing his adversaries. That’s a strategy. What a shame that the WSJ writers don’t seem to have the ability to analyze or independently think about this, and recognize the man’s work by his results.  more here

10 Comments on The way to lose the House is to cave to Democrats and the WSJ on immigration

  1. The coming election and the one in 2020 will tell the tale. Most people do not realize that if Trump does not succeed things will get bloody……. and may anyway. Some people never learn……my first wife is on her fourth husband!!!???

  2. “Seriously – do they not look at polls???” No, they are the elite and the polls are conducted amongst the rubes. It’s what they think that counts.

  3. Re: Wall Street Journal. They proclaimed themselves geniuses and some people actually bought into it and buy their paper. Mostly to look smart while riding on the subway to their meaningless and unrewarding jobs, only to return to their dysfunctional families at the end of the day. Perhaps a stop off to a watering hole or mistress on the way.

    A higher class of sucker.

  4. Absolutely right! The “elite” at WSJ said 40 years ago that Ron could not Win with his lincolnesque small govt. approach. And since the progressive GOP at WSJ was, and still is, my better they were right. Ron only got over 60% of the votes in ’80! There was a lot of gnashing of the tenth at the WSJ the next 8 years. Ruikeiser had a leftist GOP writer fro the WSJ on his FRi night show probably 3 times a month. Had a French name. This progressive GOPe would attack the president obliquely at least once each time he was on. Sometimes he would attack Ron 2 or 3 times. WSJ was really mad a conservative had won, AND PROVED THEM NOT TO BE AS MUCH BETER THAN I AS THE SAID THEY WERE!

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