There’s So Much Human Hair In DC’s Metro It’s Now A Fire Hazard – IOTW Report

There’s So Much Human Hair In DC’s Metro It’s Now A Fire Hazard

DC: Parts of the Washington, D.C. metro rail system is caked with a layer of human hair that is so thick it’s become a fire hazard, according to a transit union employee.

“I was flabbergasted — flabbergasted — at the amount of hair that’s in the Metro,” Brian Sherlock, a safety specialist for Amalgamated Transit Union, told NBC News.

“Hair literally comes off of people and off of clothing and gets sucked up,” Sherlock said.

The hair gets sucked up into the tunnel, and collects on insulators that house the electric third rail. The felt-like lining is 1/8 inches thick in some places, and could pose a fire risk by trapping heat, according to Amalgamated Transit Union’s study.

“The amount of debris is just beyond vulgar to think of,” Sherlock said. More

27 Comments on There’s So Much Human Hair In DC’s Metro It’s Now A Fire Hazard

  1. And the involved and commenting dipshit, Sherlock, doesn’t get that a single pass of a propane burner renders this a non-issue.

    We used to have people that solved problems. Now they just Tweet them. Make videos with the phone held the wrong way. Stand and point.

    Ineffectual fucktards. Brian, you are worthless.

  2. Problem easily solved. At some hour of the oh-dark-too-damned-early shut down the Metro, turn off the electricity, and have the Metro workers (snerk!) either sweep and gather, or burn off the hair. Work in short periods until the entire system is “swept”.

    Problem solved. Do I have to do all the heavy thinking around here?

  3. With six dogs & seven cats, there is a lot of hair that accumulates daily at my house, but I have this wonderful device called a vacuum cleaner that I use to keep things under control. Sure, I sometimes have to use it twice a day, but it doesn’t take that long and it gets the job done. Maybe they should try such a device for their problem? Or clean the trains once in a while or put filters over whatever is sucking the hair out of the trains and then clean those! But what do I know? I’m just a housewife.


    I agree, but not everything IN the country is the best in the world. Our healthcare system is an unaffordable JOKE.

    Ever been to Japan? Their rail system is 21st Century, and ours looks like it was built in the ’40s. Mainly because it was.

  5. Ban people with weaves from using the metro, problem solved. Then close down the metro because they’ve lost over 1/2 their riders and it’s (even more) economically unfeasible. Enjoy the race riots that burn DC to the ground. Force all fed lawmakers, due to safety and financial concerns, to teleconference from their home statehouses permanently, watch DC go full Detroit in 8 months or less.

  6. DC subway, apparently the only one in existence.

    Else they would have looked at the transportation systems in places like Boston or Philly to see how they operate their maintenance.

    An example of how things are there. Never look around to see what works. Either invent a solution that’s likely iatrogenic, so to speak, that will cost a fortune, or neglect a problem entirely.

    They don’t call it the swamp for nothin’.

  7. Many years ago, I moved into a house where the fridge ran constantly but wouldn’t cool because of the matted dog hair covering the heat exchange coils. The clothes dryer wouldn’t heat because dog hair was clogging the vent. This was the accumulation of only about 3 years.

    Moral: Do not buy a house from anyone who owns a Cocker Spaniel. They shed like a MF.

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