Theresa May To Resign On June 7th – IOTW Report

Theresa May To Resign On June 7th

Earlier Friday morning, Prime Minister Theresa May announced her intention to step down from leadership June 7th. There has been widespread speculation that May would resign given her inability to pass a Brexit deal after three years of negotiations with the EU. More

Possible replacements wasted little time in making known their desire to lead the nation. More

13 Comments on Theresa May To Resign On June 7th

  1. She’s not leaving because of BREXIT. She’s leaving because Trump announced he was releasing the spygate shit and SHE is about to be exposed. The fat assed crunt!

  2. A day after the 75th anniversary of D-Day. Brilliant timing, skank. Couldn’t you just quit next week instead, so the stench can be whiffed away by June 6th?

  3. MJA…. YOU GOT IT !!!! Just like the new Italian PM fired 6 top cabinet members the minute he took office after learning they too were involved and helped frame Trump.

  4. Yes, yes, yes MJA and F. Murray!

    I found it quite interesting the timing of Trump’s announcement to declassify the documents–new Prime Minister (or President?) of Australia, new PM in Italy, and May leaving. Britain and Australia had talked him into not releasing them before. HaHaHaHa–he outwaited them. Can’t wait to see (eventually) what dirt was on them.

  5. This is the end game of an obvious media orchestrated effort to undermine Brexit and blame it on UKIP. Those assholes at the WSJ yesterday had a headline that said “Tories Fail at Brexit” and then had a photo of Nigel Farrage *WHO IS NOT A FUCKING TORY!!!*… Those slimy media & Tory motherfuckers, worked to undermine Brexit while the Tories ran on supporting it. A UKIP PM would’ve had Brexit implemented already and the UK economy would be well into the recovery from any initial problems with it.

  6. Blubbering like a baby. I’m ashamed of my nation and my gender. Please, no more female PM’s unless she’a a Thatcher clone.

    Between this disastrous female PM and an incompetent female Chief of Police (Cressida Dick) Britain has become a laughing stock.


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