They Got Him! Man Arrested in Ambush Shooting of Two Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Deputies – IOTW Report

They Got Him! Man Arrested in Ambush Shooting of Two Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Deputies


Authorities in Los Angeles have arrested and charged a man for the ambush shooting of two L.A. County sheriff’s deputies earlier this month.

Deonte Lee Murray, 36, was charged Wednesday with attempting to murder the two deputies as they sat in their police cruiser outside the Martin Luther King, Jr. Transit Center in Compton, according to the L.A. District Attorney’s office. He also faces two counts each of willful, deliberate, and premeditated attempted murder of a peace officer and possession of a firearm by a felon.


ht/ jerry manderin

29 Comments on They Got Him! Man Arrested in Ambush Shooting of Two Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Deputies

  1. “Murray was arrested three days after the September 12 shooting but for a separate carjacking and shooting incident that took place on September 1. For that incident, he is facing one felony count each of carjacking, second-degree robbery, and assault with a semiautomatic firearm.

    The suspect faces an additional count each of attempted murder in connection with the carjacking and possession of a firearm by a felon.”

    So the cops keep the reward money? lol

  2. Dumb Black Colored Bastard didn’t discard the murder weapon until he was being pursued by the Police. He’s clearly not working for Murder, Incorporated. Must be working for Murder, Incompetent.

  3. Can he be sentenced to be shot in the same parts of his anatomy he shot the two officers, using the same caliber weapon he shot them with (his own weapon would be nice)?

    Before being sent to his prison cell for the rest of his life, or the morgue if the just wounding thing doesn’t work out as planned.

  4. hanoverfist
    SEPTEMBER 30, 2020 AT 4:04 PM
    “Oompa Loompa gone bad.”

    “Oompa Loompa, do-ba-dee-doo,
    I’ve got a perfect puzzle for you.
    Oompa Loompa, do-ba-dee-dee,
    If you are wise you’ll listen to me.

    What do you get when you shoot at two cops?
    When they are parked at a Metro stop?

    Your tiny ass is shown running a way,
    What, did you think you’d not have to pay…

    In prison small is popular…

    Oompa Loompa do-ba-dee-dar,
    Once in the clink you cannot run far.
    Your ass will become bloody and sore
    Like an oompa loompa prisony whore.

    Prisony Whore.”
    (Apologies to Willie Wonka)

  5. Danny Devito could look down his nose at this guy.

    He makes Kevin Hart look like an NBA shooting guard.

    This guy is so short, he’s not allowed on half of the rides at Disney Land.


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