This should have been stomped out and eradicated 11 years ago – IOTW Report

This should have been stomped out and eradicated 11 years ago

Friday, 13 October 2006

Girl arrested in racism inquiry
Codie Stott

Codie Stott was arrested for her comments

A 14-year-old girl has been arrested for allegedly making racist remarks at a school in Greater Manchester.Codie Stott said she asked to be moved from a science group where she was with five Asian pupils – only one of whom spoke English.

The 14-year-old was questioned in a juvenile unit before being released without charge.

Harrop Fold High School, in Worsley, is investigating before deciding on what action to take.

Racism complaint

Codie said: “I asked the teacher could I change groups because I didn’t understand them and she said I was being racist and started shouting at me.”

A complaint was made and she was taken to a police station.

Her mother said her Codie’s jewellery and shoelaces were removed, her fingerprints and DNA samples were taken and she was put in a cell.

The school said it wanted to ensure it had a caring and tolerant attitude to pupils of all ethnic backgrounds and it did not stand for racism in any form.

Greater Manchester Police said it took hate crime reports very seriously and its treatment of the teenager was in line with normal procedure.

33 Comments on This should have been stomped out and eradicated 11 years ago

  1. from the article:
    ‘Greater Manchester Police said it took hate crime reports very seriously and its treatment of the teenager was in line with normal procedure.’

    Yet they willfully ignore the mass rape and physical, emotional, spiritual torture of underage white English girls by perverted pedophile scum moslems.
    Their political correctness is pure evil.

  2. Asian in the uk is is used for Pakistani/sikh/hindu all others SE Asian asian is PC code for MUSLIM as in Asian on street rape gangs = muslim Pakistanis grooming and raping under age white girls [ ed uk ]

  3. @ontoiran July 12, 2017 at 6:34 am

    > maybe i’m dense…but how do you do a science project with people you can’t communicate with?

    If you’re going to act like the purpose of government (re)education camps is science, then, yes, you are.

  4. How is it any different than asking to have a disruption removed? Communication is the disrupting factor, not race. The teacher/school created a disruption all on their own AND had it removed. The student followed the same protocol. Lesson not taught or learned.

  5. An excellent illustration of the difference between “subjects” and “free people.”

    Limeys are “subjects of the Crown” not at Liberty to have their own thoughts and ideas.
    Can’t understand the barkings and gurgling noises of the wogs? Tough shit!
    You are under ARREST!

    izlamo delenda est …

  6. Never figured to witness Eric Blair’s 1984 actually come true in his own country. How incredibly stupid and cowed the English have become. I fear becoming a political prisoner if I ever visited again.

  7. She’s 25 now so I wonder where her stage of thinking is today? Regardless, no one can take your thoughts away without killing you, and in many cases it has come to that.

  8. My grandson brought an empty shell casing he found to school with him. The police were called and they terrified the kid. He’s eight years old. This is in the good old USA, Florida to be specific. To say I was pissed doesn’t describe it.

  9. Maybe she should’ve started speaking in pig Latin to them and the so called teacher. This is the language I feel most comfortable with and you should tolerate that or be arrested.

  10. Where’s the Queen on this stuff? She needs to speak up for her people for being treated this way and bullied the way Codi has been! Maybe she’s so old she doen’t care anymore? Very sad.

  11. For those of you who posted the Floyd lyrics: I wonder if Roger Waters would be right there shouting “RACIST!” at this girl, a la Invasion of the Body Snatchers? Oh, the irony…

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