Threaten the Police Now, Eye Empress, Please – IOTW Report

Threaten the Police Now, Eye Empress, Please

Known on YouTube as Eye Empress Sekhmet, Latausha Nedd faced Judge Wanda Dallas Thursday to answer for making threats against “cracker cops.” Lashunda-Nedd-cropped-640x588

 She’s claiming a 1st amendment right to call for violence against her fellow citizens and police.


20 Comments on Threaten the Police Now, Eye Empress, Please

  1. If a tree falls in the woods, and nobody hears it, does it make a sound?

    The whole point of “free speech” is for people to give voice to that which most of us find abhorrent, isn’t it?

    I find the espousal of socialism more abhorrent and far more damaging to the body politic than this drugged up snot-head braying discordantly about killing crackers and cops.

  2. The thing is, Tim, she’s inciting racial hatred and violence in people who agree with her and don’t think too clearly. Free speech ends when you’re screaming “Fire!” in a crowded theater. Her dim-witted followers are liable to get their feelings of hatred whipped up to a froth with her as the final instigator, while she’s getting her cues from Farrakhan, Sharpton, Shawn King, and The One in the White House.

  3. Moron alert. First, I should video myself making terroristic threats then, second, place it on YouTube for the whole universe to see. I hope her lawyer has been paid in advance.

  4. With rights come responsibilities.
    If one abuses his rights, they may be withheld.
    I would evaluate inciting riot and murder as abuse of first amendment rights.
    Posting on YT doubles down on the stupid.

    I have noticed lately the current administration seems to support this kind of horseshit.

    More Perp Walks, please!

  5. “… she’s inciting racial hatred and violence in people who agree with her …”
    If they already agree with her, she ain’t inciting much.

    “Free speech ends when you’re screaming “Fire!” in a crowded theater.”
    Unless there is a fire? Since she perceives everything through a racist lens, isn’t it possible, just possible that she truly believes there is a metaphorical “fire?”

    “Her dim-witted followers are liable to get their feelings of hatred whipped up to a froth …”
    Individual responsibility demands that they be held accountable for their foolishness, hatred, and violence – not her.

  6. DamnItAll! I wish people would learn at least a smidgen of SCOTUS decisions correctly.
    The ruling was, “yelling “Fire” FALSELY in a crowded theater.” Makes all the difference in the world, that one modifier word.

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