Three Dem Senators With A Ukraine Gas Scandal Of Their Own – IOTW Report

Three Dem Senators With A Ukraine Gas Scandal Of Their Own

Last night, Steve Hilton on Fox News did an extensive report linking political contributions from Burisma to three democrat senators prior to their efforts to get U.S. funding for Ukrainian gas and oil production. Hilton showed where senators Ed Markey (D-MA), Jeanne Shaheen (D-NH) and Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) all took campaign contributions from a lobbying firm, ML Strategies. 

Hilton reports that $90,000 was given by Burisma to ML Strategies which then contributed upwards of $60,000 to democrat senators, including Markey, Shaheen and Bluementhal. Among the benefits garnered by Burisma was a letter to Obama signed by Markey and Shaheen  endorsing funding Ukraine energy production. Eventually, Markey got a bill passed in 2014 for $50 million for Ukraine gas development and earn another $1,000 contribution from ML Strategies.

Watch the Exposé  Here

12 Comments on Three Dem Senators With A Ukraine Gas Scandal Of Their Own

  1. If investigators outside our criminal government were to look, they’d surely find that every single member of our Congress is a criminal. Or else they wouldn’t be there. No exceptions, you can bet the farm on that.

  2. good old stolen valor Blumenthal.

    I can’t believe known liars like blumenthal and warren can even get close to political positions of power in this country.

    this tells you all you need to know about our American msm. The msm not bringing to light all the corruption President Trump has exposed is an admission of their co-operation in this corruption.

    they are just as guilty as the politician liars.

    professional politicians and their cohorts the professional media have all but destroyed this once great land.

  3. Only reason they keep running is to cover their asses. Why else would you want to be doing this when you got rich beyond your wildest dreams ripping off the people and not get out of the public eye and enjoy your fortunes. DRAIN THE SWAMP!

  4. Biden’s family not the only one to benefit from Ukrainian fossil fuels

    It appears that the D.C. swamp benefits another powerful family. The Biden family has gotten special treatment from Ukrainian oil interests, and the Pelosi family has a similar advantage. Paul Pelosi, Jr. was a board member of Viscoil and an executive at its related company NRGLab, which was involved in energy business in Ukraine.

    No wonder the establishment (including many Republicans) wants to impeach Trump. Family security always “trumps” national security in the D.C. swamp.


  5. @Perry October 14, 2019 at 1:36 pm

    > Draining the swamp won’t cut it, lets flood it with oil and gas and burn it to ashes

    Why would want that burned out, toxic waste dump, in your country?

  6. And that was just campaign contributions. They haven’t found the unreported contributions to their beards’ secret accounts.

    Burisma is starting to look like a Democrat slush fund.


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