Time Publishes an Astonishing Story About a ‘Cabal’ and ‘Shadow Campaign’ That Helped Biden Win – IOTW Report

Time Publishes an Astonishing Story About a ‘Cabal’ and ‘Shadow Campaign’ That Helped Biden Win

Time confesses

PJMedia: Time published a story that provides absolutely astonishing details and framing of activities that took place around the 2020 election. As readers, you deserve a detailed analysis of this story and the people and organizations involved. The recounting of the story in Time is longer than a chapter in many novels. Time says additional details will be provided in a series of articles over the next several days. This article is an introduction.

The title is provocative enough. “The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election.” The story goes on to describe in precise detail a coalition of various powerful special interest groups that united, beginning a year before the election, to ensure Joe Biden would win.

Time begins by describing the trepidation that surrounded the 2020 election after a summer filled with left-wing violence and the concern that more violence would follow the election outcome. The article then quotes President Trump on December 2nd when the chorus calling on him to concede reached a fever pitch, even among his supporters:

To the President, something felt amiss. “It was all very, very strange,” Trump said on Dec. 2. “Within days after the election, we witnessed an orchestrated effort to anoint the winner, even while many key states were still being counted.”

In a way, Trump was right.

Excuse me? Just wait, Time explains:

There was a conspiracy unfolding behind the scenes, one that both curtailed the protests and coordinated the resistance from CEOs. Both surprises were the result of an informal alliance between left-wing activists and business titans. The pact was formalized in a terse, little-noticed joint statement of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and AFL-CIO published on Election Day. Both sides would come to see it as a sort of implicit bargain–inspired by the summer’s massive, sometimes destructive racial-justice protests–in which the forces of labor came together with the forces of capital to keep the peace and oppose Trump’s assault on democracy.

This “implicit bargain” is just one part of what the author refers to as “an extraordinary shadow effort.” An effort aimed at what, you ask? Time says it was to preserve a free, fair, credible, and uncorrupted election. Understanding the tactics these groups employed, it would make sense if you felt like you were being told not to believe what you saw with your own eyes for much of November and December: MORE

31 Comments on Time Publishes an Astonishing Story About a ‘Cabal’ and ‘Shadow Campaign’ That Helped Biden Win

  1. Would somebody PLEASE tell “Boltneck”, traitor Kerry that there IS NO CLIMATE CRISIS, excerpt in his head. It’s another money-making scheme by his corporate globalist buddies. They already got theirs, BUT, they WANT MOOOORE!!!

    Run a successful Lemonade stand, Boltneck and take it from there, instead of marrying rich women.

    Watch out, Americans!

  2. @FukkYouAll & EatShitAndDie – what is your problem with Jews??

    Jesus was a JEW.

    But perhaps that is another story, you failed to read.

    Don’t FUCK up a VERY important thread ASSHOLE.


    And I’ll haunt ya.

    Enough with the anti jew shit.


  3. @FukkYouAll & EatShitAndDie – you showed up at the wrong bar.

    Now get the FUCK OUT.

    I DETEST anti semites.

    And that’s JUST from a Biblical perspective…never mind a geo-politcal one.

    I DO NOT LIKE BEING A BEAT COP HERE…but we need a respectful place.


  4. It was like this article was written in Bizzaro World. Up is down, black is white, wrong is right. I couldn’t get any farther than the first dozen or so paragraphs, because I could feel my blood pressure reaching the red line. On the positive side, Time was nice enough to name the people instrumental in stealing the election; it will be useful to someone in the future, I am sure.

  5. This wouldn’t be a huge and intentional disinformation campaign attempting to muddy the waters of what really happened, would it? Layers within layers, until the truth is unrecognizable or you lose interest in looking for it…

  6. Another thought occurs: these stupid evil motherfuckers are also extremely vain. What’s the point in pulling off the perfect crime if no one knows you did it and can appreciate how it was done? It’s like the episode of the Simpson’s where Bart tricks Sideshow Bob by appealing to his vanity into confessing in front of the entire court how he engineered election fraud.

  7. I am so fucking, puking, sick of these MAJOR ASSHOLES trying to dictate, guide, steer or otherwise tell US how to live, think, react, succumb, cave-in, give-up, toss-in, hand-over, relinquish or otherwise surrender our GOD given rights…..I cannot help but believe brute force is the only response they would understand.

    Unfortunately for them, I have prepared for such a time.

  8. I agree with ghost end the anti-sematic comments now. The Jews are not the problem the ungodly left is the problem and hates everything to do with the Judeo Christian roots that this nation was founded upon and will do anything to crush opposition to their worldview. My boss is a Jew and I have no problem with that, he’s also an ex Marine Gunny Sgt. who fought in Iraq and Afghanistan and a good guy as well, so knock off all the anti Jewish crap.

  9. Given some of the piece is utter nonsense such as, “When media organizations called the race for Joe Biden on Nov. 7, jubilation broke out instead, as people thronged cities across the U.S. to celebrate the democratic process that resulted in Trump’s ouster”, a lot of the triumphalism is just more Lefty, “Oh, how smart we are”, boilerplate to cover a lot of this is absolute fiction.

    Since news to the steal wasn’t out until next morning, I doubt there was much jubilation.

    They are now so bold and flagrantly blatant because nothing will happen to them, nothing!

    Only if we listen to trolls like you. They could get away with it if we believed there was a Republican party in DC, but we know there isn’t, so there’s nobody who can cover for them.

    This wouldn’t be a huge and intentional disinformation campaign attempting to muddy the waters of what really happened, would it?

    I think the issue is they just admitted that all the propaganda about how the lawsuits were stupid and there wasn’t any fraud wasn’t working and even a substantial portion of rank and file Democrats knows it was stolen.

    Now the have an illegitimate regime and a lot of people who don’t like it. They have to put fences around the Capitol and can’t trust the troops enough to allow them loaded weapons.

    The next few weeks are going to be very interesting.

  10. What this Time article says, in so many words, is that they have crucified our “Savior”, are proud of it, and congratulate themselves on a job well done.

    Some day, when I reach my eighties, I will come unto their offices and, being a fair fight by then, beat you all to death.

  11. Again I harken back to this article: https://www.barnhardt.biz/2020/11/07/on-why-diabolical-narcissists-like-hillary-clinton-want-to-get-caught-and-it-isnt-for-the-reason-you-think/

    “ It is precisely for this reason that DNs tend to be VERY enthusiastic about law qua law in a Pharisaical and tyrannical sense – because every new law is yet another potential way for the DN to manifest their superiority and otherness – by dispensing themselves from it. DNs wallow in hypocrisy like hogs wallow in fecal mud. If there were no law for DNs to dispense themselves from, there would be no distinction, no “otherness”, no over-and-aboveness relative to the unwashed masses.”

    The fuckers want everyone to know that they know that everyone knows the election was flat out stolen. They are displaying to everyone how superior they are to those who, unlike them, the rules apply to.

    The worthless cocksuckers think they are home free now and are rubbing our nose in what they have managed to pull off.

    It ain’t over until it’s over, and it is far from over.

    Their arrogance knows no limit and it will, as it always is with the devotees of Satan, be their undoing. Even though they need none, I encourage them to keep it up.

  12. @ Mark S. McGrew FEBRUARY 5, 2021 AT 9:50 PM

    No you idiot, someone insulted an entire race. No one here would have any problem with insulting an individual or even a group of individuals if they had it coming.

  13. ‘My boss is a Jewish Carpenter.’

    Anyone remember that CLASSIC bumper sticker?

    It’s STILL is true.

    @ geoff the aardvark – thanks for the tactical air support.

    The thing is? We support MAGA and TRUMP and he is NOT anti-jew by ANY means.


    So again, please go some where else with the anti-jew RHEOTORIC.

    Maybe I am in a FOUL mood tonight?

    There are forces out there that are looking for this site and other sites.

    Like in the cross hairs for some.

    This is why we have to self discipline.

    Within free speech terms…

  14. Sandy Koufax was ‘a Jew’.

    A ‘lefty’ by pitching hand no less…but a conservative one…by ethics.

    He was arguably the greatest pitcher of ALL time and did not play on the Sabbath btw.

    So any anti Semites, those that hate Jews, and baseball history?

    WRAP that one around your HEAD.

  15. @FUall etc.

    What the fuck is wrong with you?

    Trumps family has MANY Jewish members.
    ie. Ivanka converted.

    Israel & the USA are great allies. Tighter than England, Canada, France, Italy and almost all of the EU.

  16. Like I have said since November, proof of fraud would trickle out over the next year.
    The timeline between the election and inauguration was far too narrow for any legitimate legal contest.
    Therefore, President Trump should have pushed back, but ultimately cooled his jets.
    Never concede, but no way was he going to be President come January 20th.
    The fix was in and impossible to overcome.
    we all know it was fixed and the current biden agenda with a million EO’s confirms that.
    We are fucked for now…

  17. The arsonist comes back to watch the building burn.

    They are not afraid of the truth. They are brazen, and thus ruthless.

    If this boosts Time readership/ad revenues, may I suggest a glamorous article about Mooch Robinson and his work ethic taping himself down for eight grueling years to play beard for a muslim twink


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